Venue: 5, Nunhead Green, Nunhead London SE15 3QQ
Contact: Beverley Olamijulo, Constitutional Officer on telephone 020 7525 7234 email
Note: *The Community Council Forum meeting will follow immediately after the Cleaner Greener Safer decisions.
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||
Introduction and welcome
Minutes: The chair introduced himself and welcomed councillors, members of the public and officers to the meeting.
The chair thanked the Green Nunhead community centre for hosting the meeting.
It was noted that the community council meeting would be conducted under the new format for community councils which was implemented on the 1 January 2017.
The first part of the meeting considered items that were executive functions for decision by the community council. The meeting then proceeded to the community council forum meeting which held workshops. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Councillors Evelyn Akoto and Michael Situ had submitted their apologies for absence. Councillor Barrie Hargrove gave his apologies for lateness. |
Disclosure of members' interests and dispensations
Members to declare any interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: There were none. |
Items of business that the Chair deems urgent
The chair to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda. Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes from the previous meeting
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on the 15 November 2016. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2016 be agreed as an accurate record and signed by the chair. |
Matters arising from the previous meeting
Minutes: The following was raised under matters arising from the previous meetings:
The council’s habitual complaints policy
The council’s director of law and democracy/monitoring officer, Doreen Forrester-Brown, addressed the meeting in relation to the above.
The community council noted that public questions from a resident on the council’s habitual complaints policy and council’s commitment to honesty, openness and accountability had previously been rejected.
Both questions were not accepted under community council procedure rule 7.3.4 (f) because it raised a grievance for which there were other processes within the council, all of which had been exhausted by the questioner.
Following the meeting on 15 November 2016, the officer’s required action was to inform members of the public and councillors about the council’s interpretation of the habitual complaints policy.
The monitoring officer’s presentation
Doreen Forrester-Brown introduced herself to the meeting and briefly outlined her role as the council's monitoring officer.
The monitoring officer informed the meeting that this matter related to an issue with the public questioner and the council regarding the interpretation of the council’s habitual complaints policy.
She highlighted information about the habitual complaints policy and said that as a public authority, the council represented 230,000 residents in the borough and that the council provides services equally to everyone within the borough.
The council would treat each individual’s complaint with the seriousness it deserves. As monitoring officer, she said she had to ensure that a robust complaints system was in place when residents had concerns about the way the council behaved, whether it was a council officer or a member of the council.
She explained that if someone wished to raise a complaint they could do so through the council’s complaints procedure. However on occasions, certain individuals make excessive demands on the council in terms of making complaints to the council. Often these complaints were unjustified or not warranted. This costs money particularly at a time when the council has experienced a number of budget cuts.
The monitoring officer said it usually takes a long time for the council to decide to make a person a habitual complainant. The council would do this after a fair and transparent process. It would also help manage an individual’s contact with the council to ensure they were not demanding or spending too much of the council’s resources. Out of the borough’s 230,000 residents, eight people have been deemed to be habitual complainants.
The monitoring officer said that the council did not treat this matter lightly and out of the eight habitual complainants, five were treated as such, due to threats of violence and abuse against staff employed by the council. The other three individuals were deemed habitual complainants due to the level of resources and time they demand from the council which was considered to be excessive; of which the questioner was one.
If the council decides to make a person a habitual complainant, then that person can refer the matter to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO would look at the issue ... view the full minutes text for item 5.1 |
1.10 pm |
The chair to advise on any deputations or petitions received at this meeting.
This must relate to a subject matter on this agenda only.
Any other deputation requests would be considered at the community council forum meeting which will be subject to the chair’s agreement. Minutes: There were no deputations or petitions presented at this meeting. |
1.15 pm |
Cleaner Greener Safer: Funding Reallocation
Note: This is an executive function for decision by the community council.
Members to consider the recommendations contained within the report. Supporting documents: Minutes: Note: This item is an executive function for decision by the community council.
Members considered the recommendations contained within the report.
That a total of £73,412 be reallocated as part of the 2017/18 cleaner greener safer funding programme set out in Appendix 1 of the report. Also that additional funding be allocated to the following projects:
Peckham ward
Project Amount (additional funding) 106920 Jowett Street park/ Surrey Canal CCTV £3,000
105869 Bells Gardens Community garden £2,000
1.25 pm |
Cleaner Greener Safer 2017/18: Capital Funding Allocation
Note: This is an executive function for decision by the community council.
Members to consider the recommendations contained within the report. Supporting documents: Minutes: Note: This item is an executive function for decision by the community council.
Members considered the recommendations contained within the report.
That the following projects be allocated funding from the cleaner greener safer funding programme for 2016/17: