Agenda and minutes

Democracy Commission - Friday 8 July 2011 6.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Peckham Road, London SE5 8UB. View directions

Contact: Tim Murtagh  E-mail: Tel: 020 7525 7187

No. Item


Introduction and welcome by the Chair

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    Councillor Abdul Mohamed welcomed councillors, officers and residents to the meeting.



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    Apologies for absence were received by Councillor Columba Blango.


Items of business the chair deems urgent

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    The chair to advise whether they have agreed to any items of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.



    There were none.


Exclusion of the public and press

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    That the public be excluded from the meeting for agenda item 5 only, on the grounds that the item involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2, Access to Information Procedure rules of the Constitution.





    That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of

    business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2, Access to Information Procedure rules of the Constitution.



Staffing Roles

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    To consider the information in the closed report – to be circulated at the meeting.

    Supporting documents:


    The Democracy Commission considered the information set out in the closed agenda in closed session.


    At the conclusion of the closed business the meeting returned to open session.




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    To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2011.

    Supporting documents:




    That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2011 be agreed as a

      correct record of the meeting, and signed by the chair.



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    Report on the Localism Bill.

    Supporting documents:


    Stephen Douglass introduced the report on the Localism Bill. Members discussed in general terms the possible impact on community councils and the changing nature of devolved powers.


    Members discussed the public sitting on sub-groups and the existence of co-opted members on certain other committees.


Planning at community councils

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    Report and presentation on planning at community councils.

    Supporting documents:


    Stephen Douglass introduced the report on planning options requested by the commission at the April meeting. Members discussed retaining the planning function at community councils, the removal of it and the possibility of developing another model. Each would result in a different level of saving to the community council budget.


    Members expressed their support for retaining some planning function at member level which would mean there was still a degree of accountability. There was concern over the number of applications that were decided out of date by community councils. Members also discussed the level of responses required before an application was triggered and referred to community council planning meetings. Several expressed the view that it should be raised from its current level of three and that in turn would reduce the number of applications and meetings.


    Members looked at the sub-committee models and discussed the North-South and East-West possibilities. There was a discussion on other models. They sought clarity on what would happen to decisions no longer taken by community councils under any future arrangements and said that if the burden was simply passed to the main planning committee there may be little point in making the change.


    The chair said that the options and scope in the planning department to consider further delegated applications required exploration with planning officers.




Public Comments

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    Opportunity for residents in attendance to comment on any matters raised during the meeting.



    In response to public questions, Ebony Riddell-Bamber explained that questionnaires on the process had been circulated at the June round of community councils. Members of the commission would be attending the September round of meetings to consult directly with those who attend community councils.


    Members requested that the consultation process and dates of forthcoming consultation meetings be publicised on the website, in one place.


    Action: Ebony to circulate the list of commission members who will address the September round of community councils and consult the public.


    Council Assembly 6 July


    The chair wanted to formally thank on behalf of the commission those who had contributed to making the Council Assembly at Walworth Academy on 6 July 2011 such a success.


    The positive impact of the deputations was noted along with the large number of young people who attended. Officers reported that they were following up the event with young people to find out how they felt about it generally.


    Councillor Cleo Soanes had asked for the filming of council assemblies to be  considered at future meetings.


    In response to Councillor Soanes request, Stephen Douglass said that the filming of council assembly would be considered during the 22 September meeting of the Democracy Commission.



    The meeting ended at 8.45pm.