Agenda and minutes

Democracy Commission - Friday 11 March 2011 5.00 pm

Venue: Room 217, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TZ

Contact: Tim Murtagh  E-mail: Tel: 020 7525 7187

No. Item


Introduction and Welcome by the Chair

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    Councillor Mohamed welcomed councillors and officers to the meeting.


    Members agreed to treat each other with respect and that phase 2 should be as non-partisan as possible. It should seek to bring forward good ideas.


    Councillor Mohamed explained the budget required a reduction of £344,000 in the Community Councils’ budget, and that the Democracy Commission needed to come up with ideas on how best to make those savings.


    Members discussed the value which local residents placed in community council meetings.




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    Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Columba Blango and Councillor Mark Glover.



Items of Business that the Chair deems urgent

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    The Chair to advise whether they have agreed to any items of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.


    There were none.



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    To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2010, and to feedback on issues raised at previous meetings.


    Supporting documents:


    That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2010 be agreed as a correct record of the meeting, and signed by the chair.


Confirmation of membership for Phase 2

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    The following membership was confirmed for Phase 2 of the Democracy Commission:


    Councillor Abdul Mohamed (Chair)

    Councillor Columba Blango

    Councillor Mark Glover

    Councillor Michael Mitchell

    Councillor Helen Morrissey

    Councillor Paul Noblet

    Councillor Cleo Soanes


Phase 2 of the Democracy Commission, Terms of Reference and Workplan

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    Supporting documents:


    Members discussed the proposed terms of reference and asked that the difference between the 8 community councils be acknowledged in the terms of reference. Members discussed the scope of the review and whether other departments could be included. Cllr Mohamed explained that the savings had been identified in the Communities, Law & Governance budget.


    ACTION: Ebony to come up with a form of words to reflect the above.


    Members discussed planning at community council meetings and how residents were consulted on planning matters. It was suggested that both Councillor Colley, Cabinet member for Regeneration and Corporate Strategy and Gary Rice (Head of Development Management) be involved in the Phase 2 meeting on Planning (June 2011).


    Councillor Mohamed said that CCs had been used to good effect during the budget process. He said that the chairs and vice chairs had recently met and discussed CCs playing a larger role in Council Assembly. The second theme of youth / sports would have more time to bring matters from CCs to Council Assembly.


    Members commented that the workplan was achievable and said there was flexibility to accommodate other issues, should any crop up. They asked for future meetings to start at 6pm or 7pm and preferably to take place at the Town Hall.


    ACTION: Tim to circulate dates for the April and May meetings.



    The meeting ended at 5.45pm