Agenda and draft minutes

Cabinet - Monday 16 September 2024 1.30 pm

Venue: Rooms GO2A, B and C, Southwark Council, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH

Contact: Paula Thornton and Virginia Wynn-Jones  Phone: 020 7525 4395/7055 Email:;

Note: Please note that cabinet meetings are usually live streamed. If you address the meeting, please do not disclose any information you do not wish to be in the public domain. Livestream at:; to attend in person please contact the above constitutional officer. 

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    An apology for absence was received from Councillor Sarah King.


Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.




Notice of Intention to conduct business in a closed meeting, and any representations received


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    There were none.



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    To approve as a correct record the minute of the open section of the meeting held on 22 July 2024.

    Supporting documents:




    That the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2024 be approved as a correct and signed by the chair.


Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

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    To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. The deadline for the receipt of public questions is midnight Tuesday 10 September 2024.


    There were none.


Deputation Requests

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    To consider any deputation requests. The deadline for the receipt of deputation requests is midnight Tuesday 10 September 2024.


    There were none.


Borough of Sanctuary Framework and Sanctuary Action Plan

    To agree the Southwark Borough of Sanctuary Framework and action plan following the award of Sanctuary status.

    Supporting documents:


    The following attended cabinet to provide comments on the report:


    ·  Pauline Nandoo, Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers

    ·  Sally Causer and Madeleine Kelleher, Southwark Law Centre

    ·  Eltayeb Hassan from Southwark Refugee Communities Forum

    ·  Mazan, an asylum seeker who has received refugee status.


    Sally Causer advised that she would be retiring this year from her job at the Southwark Law Centre and the Leader placed on record his thanks for her phenomenal work for the past 20 years, transforming peoples’ lives in the Borough.




    1.  That it be noted that Southwark Council was awarded Borough of Sanctuary status on 17 June 2024 under the City of Sanctuary movement. Part of undertaking the full assessment, the council was required to have its own Sanctuary Framework and Sanctuary action plan to demonstrate its commitment to being a Borough of Sanctuary by adhering to the terms and values of the City of Sanctuary movement.


    2.  That the 2024-2027 Southwark Borough of Sanctuary Framework and Sanctuary action plan for the delivery of services to refugee, asylum seeker and migrant communities residing in Southwark be approved and the next steps set out in the report be noted.


    3.  That the requirement of the implementation of a framework and action plan for sanctuary seekers for future decision making and integration into council’s business and budget planning process be noted.


    4.  That the four-year grant programme for voluntary community sector (VCS) organisations working with refugees, asylum seekers and disadvantaged migrants with a total budget of 100k per year be approved. This will be paid by the local authority through a number of grants already received from central government.


    5.  That the progress made against the other resolutions in the motion passed by council assembly on 28 January 2020 be noted.


Climate Change Strategy Annual Report and progress on the Climate Action Plan for 2023-24


First Consideration of the Strengthened Biodiversity Duty, arising from the Environment Act 2021


Local Flood Risk Management Strategy


Allocation of Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Funding

    To approve the priorities and process for local community infrastructure levy funding allocation

    Supporting documents:





    Decisions by the Cabinet


    1.  That minor changes to the existing process that will allow for allocations of funding collected as neighbourhood community infrastructure levy through the planning process as set out in paragraphs 18 to 23 of the report be agreed. In summary this process will result in project allocations of funding in the ward or neighbourhood in which the funding is generated, assessment of project allocation against Southwark 2030 goals, a minimum level of project funding and a streamlined approval process where local priorities are already agreed.


    2.  That it be noted that a report setting out a draft revised neighbourhood community infrastructure levy allocation process will be presented to cabinet in March 2025 prior to consultation and adoption in September 2025.


    3.  That the minor amendments in the table at paragraph 17 of the report be noted. An updated version of the table was circulated and published.


    Decision by the Leader of the Council


    4.  That the executive scheme of delegation be varied to delegate authority to the cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development to approve individual neighbourhood community infrastructure levy projects for a year in accordance with the framework set out in paragraphs 18 to 23 of the report.


Policy and Resources: Revenue Monitoring Report 2024-25

    To note the forecast revenue out-turn position.

    Supporting documents:




    That the following be noted:


    1.  The housing revenue account (HRA) initial forecast of an adverse variance of £10.1m, acknowledging the volatility and assumptions that this forecast is based on the adverse variance of £12.9m forecast for the general fund (GF) in 2024-25.


    The key adverse variations and budget pressures and mitigating actions underlying the position:


    ·  Housing revenue account (paragraphs 14-30 of the report)

    ·  General fund (paragraphs 31-84 of the report)

    ·  Demand pressures in temporary accommodation (TA) (housing)

    ·  Increased costs for those who have ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ (NRPF) (environment neighbourhoods and growth) 

    ·  Increased costs in children services driven by the increased placement costs for children with complex needs and shortage of available foster placements (children’s and adults)

    ·  Planning and growth – less than expected income and cost of maintaining void properties (finance)

    ·  Customer services – Additional resources into the contact centre to address capacity issues (finance)


    2.  The dedicated schools grant (DSG) in-year pressure of £0.68m.


    That the following be approved:


    3.  The write-off of a bad debt totaling £0.140m for a commercial outdoor event which is deemed to be irrecoverable (paragraph 67 of the report).


Tustin Estate Phase 2 Compulsory Purchase Order


Gateway 1 Housing – Procurement Support and Supply Chain Management System - DEFERRED TO OCTOBER CABINET


Motions referred from Council Assembly

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    To consider the following motions referred from council assembly July meeting as follows:


    ·  Renewing our borough: a strategy for building the homes and infrastructure we need

    ·  Declaring a Housing Emergency

    ·  Debate not Hate

    ·  Ending the Lower Road chaos.

    Supporting documents:




    That the motion referred from council assembly as a recommendation to cabinet, set out below be agreed.


    Renewing our borough: a strategy for building the homes and infrastructure we need


    1.  Council Assembly believes that:


    a.  Everyone should be able to afford somewhere they can call home. And that delivering new, high quality social rent, including council homes, and other genuinely affordable homes, should be central to this Council’s ambitions and plans;


    b.  That transport and community infrastructure is essential in order to support existing and new residents in our borough, and to help us achieve wider priorities such as tackling the climate emergency, reducing inequality, and creating decent jobs;


    c.  The Council should use every tool available in order to secure delivery of new homes and the infrastructure that residents need;


    d.  The Council will need to work with a wide range of partners in different ways, from voluntary and community groups, public organisations, and developers, in order to further increase the social and affordable housebuilding and infrastructure we need in Southwark.


    2.  Council Assembly notes that:


    a.  Under Conservative and Liberal Democrat governments we have had 14 years of under-investment in housing and infrastructure, and policies such as the Benefit Cap which have driven an increase in homelessness and numbers on the council’s housing waiting list;


    b.  That under the Conservatives, the UK has experienced the lowest levels of investment of any G7 country;


    c.  Building genuinely affordable homes was hugely impacted by the Coalition’s decision in 2010 to reduce the affordable housing grant by 60%;


    d.  Housebuilding has completely collapsed across London as a result of Conservative economic mismanagement, with a 90% fall in affordable housing starts in 23/24;


    e.  The Conservative government turned its back on London, failing to back the Bakerloo Line Extension, and failing to invest properly in the nation’s capital despite some of the highest levels of deprivation;


    f.  The Labour Party has a plan to get Britain building again with 1.5 million new homes and will build more high-quality, well-designed, and sustainable homes along with the infrastructure our communities need.


    3.  Council Assembly also notes:


    a.  That the Labour administration has a plan for delivering genuinely affordable new homes in Southwark. That in 2023-24, 550 social rent homes were completed in Southwark, the highest number in London, and that last year we granted planning permission for a further 794 social rent homes in Southwark;


    b.  That the Old Kent Road opportunity area in particular is delivering new homes at a pace, achieving over 50% affordable homes on sites which are completed or on site to date;


    c.  That Southwark is building more council homes than any other council in the country, with 3,000 new council homes either completed or currently on site;


    d.  That our Estate Renewal programmes on the Aylesbury, Tustin and Ledbury Estates are driven by the need for good quality homes for our residents which are sustainable and fit for the future. And that the First Development Site  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Appointments to Outside Bodies 2024-25 - Southwark and Lambeth Archaeological Excavation Committee (deputy) position

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    To agree an appointment to a vacancy for the deputy position for the Southwark and Southwark and Lambeth Archaeological Excavation Committee.

    Supporting documents:




    That Raymond Whitaker be appointed to the vacancy that has arisen for the council’s deputy representative to serve on Southwark and Lambeth Archaeological Excavation Committee for the 2024-25 municipal year.

Exclusion of the Press and Public

That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 of paragraph 10.4 of the access to information procedure rules of the Southwark Constitution.


The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed part of the meeting.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


Gateway 1 Housing – Procurement Support and Supply Chain Management System


This item was deferred.