Agenda and draft minutes

Cabinet - Monday 22 July 2024 11.00 am

Venue: Rooms GO2A, B and C, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH

Contact: Paula Thornton and Virginia Wynn-Jones  Phone: 020 7525 4395/7055 Email:;

Note: Please note that cabinet meetings are usually live streamed. If you address the meeting, please do not disclose any information you do not wish to be in the public domain. Livestream at: to attend in person please contact the above constitutional officer. 

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jasmine Ali and James McAsh.


Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


    There were none.


Notice of Intention to conduct business in a closed meeting, and any representations received


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any interest and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    There were none.



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    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 17 June 2024.

    Supporting documents:




    That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

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    To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. The deadline for the receipt of public questions is midnight Tuesday 16 July 2024.


    There were none.


Deputation Requests

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    To consider any deputation requests. The deadline for the receipt of deputation requests is midnight Tuesday 16 July 2024.

    Supporting documents:


    The report had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent (the request had been received in line with the council’s constitutional deadline for the receipt of deputation requests).




    1.  That the deputation request from AGE UK London Loos campaign be heard.


    2.  Representatives from the deputation addressed cabinet for a total of five minutes and questions were asked of the deputations for a period of five minutes.


    3.  Councillor Kieron Williams, leader of the council gave a commitment to develop a Southwark publicly accessible toilet plan, to come back to a future cabinet meeting, working in partnership with the deputation.


Aylesbury Estate Update - Current Phases

    To approve key activities for the next phase of the regeneration programme for the Aylesbury Estate.

    Supporting documents:


    The following representatives from the Aylesbury addressed cabinet to highlight several issues and comments:


    ·  Jean Bartlett, resident and involved in regeneration of estate for many years

    ·  Barbara Cole, chair of Aylesbury tenants and residents’ association

    ·  Harry Matthews, chair of Thurlow Lodge tenants and residents’ association.


    Councillor Helen Dennis, cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development advised that the last line of the second paragraph of her foreword should follow through to the next paragraph (currently a line break).




    That the following be approved:


    1.  The re-profiling of £20.4m of previously approved spend for the project, for years 2024-27.


    2.  The re-profiled expenditure of an estimated £1,215,000 (based on the current policy allowance of £8,100 per household, from October 2023) and £112,500 for approximately 150 secure tenants as discretionary payment for those who may move to the First Development Site B (FDS B). The calculations for which are set out in paragraph 37 of the report.


    3.  The expenditure of approximately £351,000 (based on the previous policy allowance for homeloss payment of £7,800 per household) as a discretionary back payment to 45 secure tenants who have moved from Phase 4 to First Development Site (FDS A), in line with the approval in recommendation 2 of the report.


    4.  The expenditure of approximately £427,500 for homeloss and disturbance payments to secure tenants in Phases 2b, C and 3 which have decant status, be paid from the existing, approved leasehold budget.


    5.  The termination of the agreement with Creation Trust Southwark community interest company (CIC).


    6.  The appointment of specialist consultants to undertake negotiations on the purchase of commercial units to provide vacant possession to the developer and where possible avoid the establishment being taken forward in any future compulsory purchase orders.


    7.  The delegation of authority to activate Phase 4 as a decant phase to the managing director of Southwark Construction, in consultation with the strategic director of housing, the leader and relevant cabinet members, should this become necessary to accelerate the building programme.


    8.  The delegation of authority to negotiate and approve any proposal for a variation of the development partnership agreement with the developer for the purpose of enabling the delivery of Phase 2b, to the managing director of Southwark Construction, in consultation with the strategic director of housing, the strategic director of finance, the leader and relevant cabinet members for expediency purposes to prevent any delays in progressing the phase.


    9.  The delegation of authority to the managing director of Southwark Construction in consultation with the strategic director of housing, the leader and relevant cabinet members, to give them the ability to commission any surveys and investigations that may be applicable or in the council's interest to understand market conditions that may impact or influence the deliverability of the regeneration programme.


    10.  The delegation of authority to the director of planning and growth and the managing director of Southwark Construction, to give them the ability to offer an alternative solution for the purchase of leasehold properties  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Southwark 2030 - Publication


Southwark Land Commission

    To agree a series of actions set out in the council’s draft response to the Southwark Land Commission report and the action plan.

    Supporting documents:


    Councillor Helen Dennis, cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development confirmed several updates to the report/appendices as follows:


    ·  That the final paragraph of Appendix 1 should read:


    We will continue to lobby on key issues - especially the abolition of Right to Buy; the prioritisation of social rent housing and a reformed Compulsory Purchase Order process. Southwark is already taking a leading role in advocacy around the future of council housing. We will also work with partner organisations, including London Councils, the LGA and the Southwark Land Partnership to achieve our goals in response to a fast-changing policy and political environment.


    The paragraph which currently starts: “The reason why this is shown….” will be deleted.


    ·  Paragraph 12 of the cabinet report and Appendix 1, page 7: reference to pilot sites and widening participation. Add the word ‘potential’ to Thorburn Square.




    1.  That the series of actions set out the council’s draft response to the Southwark Land Commission report set out in Appendix 1 and the action plan set out in Appendix 2 of the report be agreed.


    2.  That the finalisation of the wording and design of the council’s draft response to the Southwark Land Commission report prior to publication be delegated to the cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development.


    3.  That the terms of reference and membership of the Southwark Land Partnership be delegated to the cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development.


Southwark's New Homes Update


Gateway 1 - Southwark Construction New Homes Programme 2022-2026 Procurement Strategy


177 Abbey Street, SE1, Key Worker Housing and Community Facility, Gateway 1 Development Partner procurement via Pagabo Framework

    To approve the strategy to procure a Development Partner (DP), via the Pagabo Framework, to deliver, via a Development Agreement (DA) for a development at 177 Abbey Street comprising the delivery of circa 100 keyworker housing (KWH) units and a community facility.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the strategy outlined in the report to procure a development partner (DP), via the Pagabo Framework, to deliver, via a development agreement (DA) for a development at 177 Abbey Street, comprising the delivery of circa 100 keyworker housing (KWH) units and a community facility, and to undertake the management and maintenance of the building and the administration of the KWH lettings for a lease period of 40 years be approved.


    2.  That the council underwriting 50% of the preferred bidder’s costs for the pre-development agreement (PDA) period, to a capped maximum £750k, payable only in the event of unsuccessful PDA outcomes (failure to achieve planning) from the regeneration and development fund reserves, general fund, and not payable in the event of the preferred bidder choosing to withdraw be approved.


    3.  That the gateway (GW2) decision to award to the pre-development agreement to the preferred bidder be delegated to the strategic director of finance in consultation with the head of property and the cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development.


    4.  That it be noted that the council will enter into a development agreement with the preferred development partner, upon successful completion of the pre-development agreement outcomes, comprising planning consent and conclusion of the detailed negotiations and estimated to take a period of between nine and 12 months.


    5.  That the award of the development agreement, disposal of land and acquisition of land, and other appropriate documentation (including the granting of a lease over the council’s land for a 40-year period, an agreement for lease, and scope to grant a new lease beyond the initial lease period), be under delegated authority to the strategic director of finance in consultation with the head of property and the cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development be approved.


    6.  That the cost of the use of the Pagabo framework, payable upon successful conclusion of the development agreement, anticipated to be £95k (of which £75K at signing of the development agreement plus 1% of the pre-development agreement costs, circa £20k be approved.


    7.  That the decision with regards to any changes in the funding strategy (currently grant funding) be delegated to the strategic director of finance.


Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


Householder Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


Climate and Environment Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


Peckham Station Upgrade: Contribution to Dovedale Court entrance


Elephant and Castle Town Centre – Compulsory Purchase Order update

    To endorse the submission by the council of a supplementary statement of case for the compulsory purchase order (CPO) which will reflect the proposed amendments to the West Site of the scheme and agree that the CPO should be promoted on this basis.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the submission by the council of a Supplementary Statement of Case for the compulsory purchase order (CPO) which will reflect the proposed amendments to the West Site of the scheme as outlined in the report be endorsed and that the CPO should be promoted on this basis.

    2.  That it be noted that further planning permission may be sought (to the extent required) for the East Site Phase 2 element of the scheme as set out in the report, and that this will also be referred to in the Supplementary Statement of Case.

    3.  That the director of planning and growth be authorised on behalf of the council to take all necessary, ancillary or incidental steps to give effect to the recommendations in the report.


Gateway 1 Procurement strategy for delivery of 0-19 Community Public Health services

    To approve the procurement strategy for delivery of 0-19 Children’s Community Public Health services of single supplier negotiation with Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust to agree to a contract for an initial period of two years and six months from 1 October 2024.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the procurement strategy for delivery of 0-19 children’s community public health services of single supplier negotiation with Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust to agree to a contract for an initial period of two years and six months from 1 October 2024 with an option to extend for two years be approved.


    2.  That the approval of the award of the contract, following the completion of the negotiation, be delegated to the strategic director for children and adult services, in consultation with the cabinet member for health and wellbeing.


    3.  That it be noted that the total estimated maximum figure for the contract is £6.8M per annum, or £30.5M over the term of the contract if the option for extension is exercised.


Policy and Resources: Financial Remit report


Policy and Resources: Capital Outturn Report 2023-24


Policy and Resources: Outturn revenue monitoring report 2023-24

    To approve interdepartmental budget movements and note the forecast revenue outturn position for 2023-24.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the interdepartmental budget movements that exceed £275k, as shown in Appendix 1 of the report be approved.


    2.  That the housing revenue account (HRA) overspend of £16.4m and the mitigating actions, including additional borrowing required for asset management be noted.


    3.  That the utilisation of the £4m contingencytogether with £1.4m of risk reserve to offset the overall adverse variance and present a balanced general fund outturn position for 2023-24 be noted.


    4.  That the key adverse variations and budget pressures and mitigating actions underlying the outturn position be noted:


    (i)  Housing revenue account (paragraphs 13-28 of the report)

    (ii)  Home to school transport (paragraph 45 of the report)

    (iii)  Pressures in the No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) (paragraph 58 of the report)

    (iv)  The continuing budget pressures on temporary accommodation

    (paragraphs 75-76 of the report).


    5.  That the interdepartmental general fund budget movements that are less than £275k as shown in Appendix 1 of the report be noted.


    6.  That the positive variance of £1.98m in the ring-fenced dedicated schools grant (DSG) reducing the overall deficit to £9m as at 31 March 2024 (paragraph 47 of the report) be noted.


Housing Department Senior Management Structure

    To approve changes to the housing department senior management structure.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the creation of a new director of housing needs and support be noted.


    2.  That the deletion of an existing, vacant senior management post, the director of major estates, meaning the creation of the new director post is not an additional cost be noted.


    3.  That the proposal to create a new assistant director of planned maintenance be noted.


    4.  That it be noted that the proposal to delete an existing senior management post, senior strategic business manager, meaning the creation of the new assistant director post is largely offset by the saving achieved from deleting the senior strategic business manager post.


    5.  That it be noted that proposals in the report directly affect a small number of employees and are therefore subject to consultation with those employees and their trade union representatives.


    6.  That authority be delegated to the strategic director of housing, to finalise and implement the proposed changes once consultation with directly affected employees and their trade union representatives has been completed and all consultation responses have been taken into account.


Borough generic emergency plan and corporate business continuity plans 2024

    To agree the annual review of the generic borough emergency plan with the understanding that further lessons from incidents and exercises will continue to be incorporated into future learning and planning.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That that the annual review of the generic borough emergency plan with the understanding that further lessons from incidents and exercises will continue to be incorporated into future learning and planning be agreed.


    2.  That updated councillor briefing sessions are put in place to inform both existing and new councillors of their role in emergency planning and to inform future development of incident management.


    3.  That it be noted that the council’s emergency arrangements will continue to be guided by pan-London resilience standards and approach, including any ongoing arrangements resulting from the review of the national COVID-19 response and other enquires such as phase two of the Grenfell enquiry.


Report of the health and social care scrutiny commission - access to toilets


Report of the environment scrutiny commission - sustainable freight


Report of the education and local economy scrutiny commission - school amalgamations and closures

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    To consider recommendations from the education and local economy scrutiny commission in respect of school amalgamations and closures.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the recommendations from the education and local economy scrutiny commission arising from the scrutiny review of school amalgamation and closures in the London Borough of Southwark, paragraphs 13 to 27 of the report be noted.


    2.  That the recommendations from the education and local economy scrutiny commission be considered and that the relevant cabinet member reports back to cabinet within eight weeks.


Report of the housing, community safety and community engagement scrutiny commission - review of housing allocations, homelessness and heating and hot water outages and policing in Southwark

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    To consider recommendations from the housing, community safety and community engagement scrutiny commission in respect of review of housing allocations, homelessness and heating and hot water outages and policing in Southwark.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the recommendations from the housing, community safety and community engagement scrutiny commission arising from the scrutiny review of housing allocations, homelessness, and heating and hot water outages, fire safety and policing in the Borough of Southwark, paragraphs 16 to 30 be noted.


    2.  That the relevant cabinet member reports back to cabinet on the recommendations within eight weeks.


Report of the education and local economy scrutiny commission - community wealth building youth employment

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    To consider recommendations from the education and local economy scrutiny commission in respect of community wealth building youth employment.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the recommendations from the education and local economy scrutiny commission arising from the scrutiny review on community wealth building and employment in the London Borough of Southwark, paragraphs 10 to 16 of the report be noted.


    2.  That the recommendations from the education and local economy scrutiny commission be considered and that the relevant cabinet member reports back to cabinet within eight weeks.


Motions referred from council assembly

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    To consider the following motions referred from council assembly 20 March 2024 meeting as follows:


    ·  Southwark 2030: a proud history and a vibrant future: harnessing all of the strengths of our borough to deliver opportunity for all

    ·  Back the Bakerloo Line Extension

    ·  A Fair Deal for Housing in Southwark

    ·  Southwark Council calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

    ·  Protecting Play Spaces in Southwark

    ·  Improving Inclusivity for People with Dyslexia.

    Supporting documents:




    That the motion referred from council assembly as a recommendation to cabinet, set out below be agreed.


    Southwark 2030: a proud history and a vibrant future: harnessing all of the strengths of our borough to deliver opportunity for all




    Southwark is a truly remarkable place. Our borough’s success builds on our rich history. For centuries, Southwark has been a centre of diversity, creativity and innovation. We have much to be proud of, and every reason to have high ambitions for the decades ahead. 


    To continue to achieve those ambitions we must unite our community with common cause in delivering the future to which we aspire. That is why the council is working with the people and organisations of our borough to agree our shared Southwark 2030 plan. Thousands of Southwark residents and hundreds of Southwark organisations have already been involved in shaping this plan. This work is ensuring that we agree the right shared goals for the future of our borough.


    Our greatest strength is the people of our borough, and the plan will therefore at its core be one that unlocks their potential. For centuries, people from across Britain and around the world have been drawn to Southwark to work, to study and make this borough their home. From the first Roman and Anglo Saxon settlers, to Flemish weavers in the fourteenth century, Dutch pottery makers in the sixteenth century and Irish labourers in the eighteenth century, to the Windrush generation from the Caribbean and Commonwealth, people from across Africa, South America, Europe and China, alongside many more people from around the world and across our country, generation after generation, have brought new ideas and cultures that have come together to make Southwark one of the most diverse and creative places in the world. Our Southwark 2030 plan will draw on all of the talent in our community to deliver the change our borough needs.


    To achieve the true potential of Southwark we need to unite the people and organisations of our borough with common purpose in delivering the big changes that our community need. That is why our Southwark 2030 plan will be one jointly owned and agreed, not just by the council as the democratic leadership of the borough, but also by our wider community, public services, business, education and cultural sectors. A shared plan setting out our shared ambitions and commitment to deliver them, together with our brilliant schools and universities, our world leading hospitals, innovative businesses and vibrant voluntary, community, faith, arts and cultural sectors all playing their part.


    We have many successes to build on. In the last 14 years, Southwark has achieved so much, in very hard times. Working with the community to deliver what Southwark residents want, despite huge funding pressures imposed on local public services, including the council, schools, and our NHS, from Liberal Democrat and Conservative governments.


    To give just a few examples of our successes, over recent years we have:


    ·  Transformed our schools, from being some  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.

Exclusion of press and public

That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in categories 3 and 5 of paragraph 10.4 of the access to information procedure rules of the Southwark Constitution.


The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed part of the meeting.






That the closed minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


Aylesbury Estate Future Phases


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this item. Please see item 8 for the decision.


177 Abbey Street, Key Worker Housing and Community Facility


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this item. Please see item 13 for the decision.