Venue: Ground Floor West, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH
Contact: Paula Thornton and Virginia Wynn-Jones Phone: 020 7525 4395/7055 Email:;
Note: Link for the live stream:
No. | Item | ||
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle. |
Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent
In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting. Minutes: None. |
Notice of Intention to conduct business in a closed meeting, and any representations received
To note the items specified which will be considered in a closed meeting. Minutes: No closed items for this meeting. |
Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations
Members to declare any interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: None were declared. |
Announcement Councillors Kieron Williams and Jasmine Ali extended their congratulations in respect of the exam results at GCSE and A level standards in Southwark this year and for the efforts and hard work of all those involved including the students, schools, parents, carers, teachers and council officers. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 10 July 2023. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2023 be approved as a correct and signed by the chair. |
Public Question Time (15 Minutes)
To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. The deadline for the receipt public questions is midnight Wednesday 6 September 2023. Minutes: None. |
Deputation Requests
To consider any deputation requests. The deadline for the receipt of deputation requests is midnight Wednesday 6 September 2023. Supporting documents: Minutes: The report had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent (the request had been received in line with the council’s constitutional deadline for the receipt of deputation requests).
1. That the following deputation requests be heard:
· Save the Clubhouse Café (Burgess Park) and · Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation and Tenants Forum.
2. A spokesperson for each deputation addressed cabinet for five minutes and questions were asked of the deputations for a period of five minutes. |
A Home to be Proud of - The Council's Plan for Improving its Housing Repairs Service to Tenants
To note and welcome the council’s plans to improve the council’s repairs service, and the progress over the last 12 months and the renewed focus on working closely with residents and trades unions. Supporting documents: Minutes: Representatives from tenant groups (Southwark Group of Tenants Organisation and Tenants Forum) and other tenant representatives were in attendance to give their comments in respect of the report.
1. That the council’s plans to improve the council’s repairs service and the progress over the last 12 months be noted and welcomed.
2. That the renewed focus on working closely with residents and Trades Unions to ensure the improved service meets the needs of all who depend upon it be noted.
3. That responsibility be delegated to the strategic director for finance to identify adequate funding to support the improvements detailed in the report, in consultation with the cabinet member for homes, communities and finance.
4. That an annual report on the council’s progress in delivering the repairs improvement plans be received by cabinet. |
Land for Good, the report of the 2023 Southwark Land Commission
To note the recommendations set out in Land for Good, the report of the 2023 Southwark Land Commission and that officers consider these recommendations and report back to cabinet. Supporting documents: Minutes: Dr.Miatta Fahnbulleh, chair of the Land Commission, was in attendance to present the report to cabinet.
1. That the recommendations set out in Land for Good, the Report of the 2023 Southwark Land Commission be noted.
2. That officers consider the recommendations set out the report and report back to cabinet in early 2024. |
Policy and Resources Strategy: Revenue Monitoring Report, Month 4 2023-24
To note the key adverse variations and budget pressures and approve the interdepartmental budget movements that exceed £250k. Supporting documents: Minutes:
That the following be noted:
1. The adverse variance forecast of £3.5m for the general fund in 2023-24.
2. The key general fund variations and budget pressures:
(i) Budgetary pressure of £2.4m in education, mainly driven by higher demand and cost pressures in home to school transport (paragraph 51 of the report)
(ii) £1.6m pressure in environment, neighbourhoods and growth department, due mainly to significant increases in ‘no recourse to public funds’ (NRPF) costs (paragraph 59 of the report)
(iii) The continuing budget pressure in homelessness (paragraphs 36-40 of the report).
3. The housing revenue account forecast for 2023-24 is a deficit of £13.8m (Table 2, paragraphs 19 -31 of the report).
4. The ongoing inclement macro-economic environment, with inflation running at 7.9% in June 2023 and interest rates increased 14 times in row to 5.25%, the highest since 2008.
5. The ring-fenced dedicated schools grant (DSG) is forecasting an unfavourable outturn of £0.6m which is mainly due to pressures within the high needs service (paragraphs 55-57 of the report).
That the following be approved:
6. The interdepartmental budget movements that exceed £250k, as shown in Appendix A of the report (noting those under this threshold). |
Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval: Individual Heating and Water repairs and maintenance works
To aprove the procurement strategy to undertake a tender procedure for the heating and water repairs, maintenance, refurbishment and replacement work contracts. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the procurement strategy outlined in the report to undertake a tender procedure for the heating and water repairs, maintenance, refurbishment and replacement work contracts split into two lots with a total combined estimated maximum value of £187.92m be approved as follows:
· Lot 1 – Individual Heating and Water Repairs and Maintenance:
o Contract A - Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Walworth and Borough and Bankside at an estimated annual cost of £4.58m o Contract B – Camberwell, Dulwich, Peckham and Nunhead at an estimated annual cost of £4.78m.
each for a period of five years from April 2025 (at an estimated combined total cost £46.80m) with the option to extend up to a further three years (in increments at the council’s sole discretion subject to performance) making an estimated total contract value for both contracts of £74.88m.
· Lot 2 - District Heating Maintenance, Refurbishment and Replacement:
o Contract C - Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Walworth and Borough and Bankside at an estimated annual cost of £7.52m o Contract D – Camberwell, Dulwich, Peckham and Nunhead at an estimated annual cost of £6.61m.
each for a period of five years from 1 April 2025 (at an estimated combined total cost £70.65m) with the option to extend up to a further three years (in increments at the council’s sole discretion subject to performance) making an estimated total contract value for both contracts of £113.04m.
2. That it be noted that the procurement strategy in this report will result in bidders being required to bid as backup to each other in their own lot on their tendered rates to ensure an efficient service delivery.
3. That it be noted that no one contractor can win more than one contract in each lot, and that bidders will be required to choose (at the pre-selection stage) which of the two lots they wish to bid for, which ensures that there is sufficient contractor capacity to deliver works.
4. That it be noted that the cabinet member for homes, communities and finance approved the publication of a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform the market of the council’s intention to procure.
5. That authority be delegated to the strategic director of housing to approve the gateway (GW) 3 report in for an extension to the existing contracts to align with the award of the new contracts when the procurement tender exercise is completed.
6. That authority be delegated to the strategic director of housing, in consultation with the cabinet member for council homes, to approve the GW2 report for the four contracts A, B, C and D noted in recommendation 1 above for the reasons detailed in paragraph 48 of the report. |
Response to Environment and Community Engagement Scrutiny Review: Financing Southwark's Green Transition
To consider the responses to the recommendations in respect of the scrutiny commission report. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Emily Hickson deputy cabinet member for green finance presented the report to cabinet. Councillor Hickson advised that she was a member of the pension advisory panel and declared a non-pecuniary interest on the basis that the panel operated in an advisory capacity. Additionally, Councillor Emily Hickson as a deputy cabinet member was not a voting member of the cabinet.
Decision of the Cabinet
1. That the responses to recommendations 1-13 as set out in the report be agreed and that officers undertake the work necessary to deliver these.
Decision of the Leader of the Council
2. That the response to recommendation 14 be agreed. |
Response to Environment and Community Engagement Scrutiny Review: Resident Participation Framework
To consider the responses to the recommendations in respect of the scrutiny commission report. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the contents of the report and the response to the recommendations of the environment and community engagement scrutiny commission mini-review report on the residents’ participation framework be noted. |
Response to Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Review: Housing Repairs Service, Council Leaseholders and Empty Homes
To consider the responses to the recommendations in respect of the scrutiny commission report. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the responses to the eight recommendations included in the report of the housing and community safety: housing repairs service, council leaseholders and empty homes be noted. |
Response to Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Review: Violence Against Women and Girls, Hate Crime and Domestic Abuse
To consider the responses to the recommendations in respect of the scrutiny commission report. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the response to the violence against women and girls hate crime, and domestic abuse scrutiny recommendations as set out in Table 1 of the report be noted. |
Response to Health and Social Care Scrutiny Review: Care Contributions
To consider the responses to the recommendations in respect of the scrutiny commission report. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Suzanne Abachor, chair of health and social care scrutiny review provided comments in respect of the response.
That the response of the lead member to the recommendations of the health and social care scrutiny commission cabinet report, 13 June 2023 in paragraphs 17-29 of the report be noted. |
Response to Health and Social Care Scrutiny Review: Access to Medical Appointments (key worker homes)
To consider the response to recommendation 9 (key worker homes) in respect of the scrutiny commission report. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the response to the recommendation be noted. |
Response to Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Review: Mitigating falling pupil numbers in schools
To consider the responses to the recommendations in respect of the scrutiny commission report. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the response to the education and local economy scrutiny commission report and recommendations be noted.
2. That the agreement to deliver recommendations 1, 4 and 8 be agreed. |
Response to Education and Local Economy Scrutiny Review: Impact of Cost of Living Crisis on Businesses
To consider the responses to the recommendations in respect of the scrutiny commission report. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the response to the education and local economy scrutiny recommendations on the review of the cost-of-living crisis on business, as set out in paragraphs 4 to 35 of the report be approved. |
Motions referred from Council Assembly 12 July 2023
To consider the following motions referred from council assembly 12 July 2023 as follows:
· Health and wellbeing in Southwark · Support the #LiftTheBan Campaign · A Clean Southwark · Tackling damp and mould. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
Health and wellbeing in Southwark
That the motion referred from council assembly as a recommendation to cabinet, set out below be agreed.
1. This council notes:
a. 5 July 2023 marked 75 years of the National Health Service (NHS).
b. Treating over a million people a day in England, the NHS touches all of our lives. When it was founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Today, nine in 10 people agree that healthcare should be free of charge; more than four in five agree that care should be available to everyone, and that the NHS makes them most proud to be British.
c. Labour created the NHS. Our values are built into the NHS’s founding principle that everyone, wherever they live, whatever they earn, should get healthcare that is free at the point of use.
d. The NHS is facing both an unprecedented immediate crisis and a long-term challenge. Right now, the NHS is not working. 13 years of Conservative and the Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition governments has run the service into the ground.
e. The immediate crisis is that the NHS is no longer there for people when they need it: Month long waits to see a GP, ambulances that can’t get to people in time to save lives, dangerously long queues in A&E, over 7 million on the waiting list for hospital treatment – a system at breaking point.
f. The NHS crisis has widened health inequalities, created barriers to access to healthcare and resulted in a disparity in outcomes.
g. Everyone should be able to access the support and services they need to lead healthy lives. A Labour Government will tackle health inequalities, support mental wellbeing and help residents to be fit and active.
h. Southwark Council have established a new in-house Active Southwark Service designed to help our residents stay healthy and fit. Giving access to a wide range of activities across our pools, leisure centres, outdoor gyms, parks and sports facilities.
i. Southwark Council is working to ensure quality care in Southwark for those who need it, and look after people who care for others too.
j. We are rolling out our new Residential Care Charter to ensure all Southwark residential and nursing homes have high standards of care and fair pay for care home staff. This includes every home having a Family Forum so people have a place to raise any concerns about a loved one’s care.
k. The employers of five of our biggest care homes have signed up to the Residential Care Charter, equating to nearly 70% of our care worker staff working in homes that are fully compliant and will be paid at least the London Living Wage. They will also be paid for the time it takes to carry out a proper handover between shifts, ensuring safety and continuity of care for residents. Zero hour contracts will not be used ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Appointment to outside body 2023-24: Board of Southwark College Corporation
To agree an appointment to an outside body.
Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That it be agreed that Councillor Jasmine Ali be appointed as the council’s representative to serve on the Board of Southwark College Corporation for the 2023-24 municipal year. |