Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 17 July 2012 4.00 pm

Venue: Ground Floor Meeting Room GO1A, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    All members were present, except Councillor Fiona Colley who is currently on maternity leave.


Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


    The chair gave notice that the following late items would be considered for reasons of urgency to be specified in the relevant minute:


    Item 6: Deputation requests


    Item 22: Public Health Shared Services between Lambeth and Southwark Councils.


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any personal interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    There were no disclosures of interests or dispensations.


Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

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    To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules.


    There were no public questions.



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    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 19 June 2012.

    Supporting documents:




    That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


Deputation Requests

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    To consider any deputation requests.

    Supporting documents:


    This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent as the requests were all received in line with the constitutional deadline for the receipt of deputation requests and were therefore eligible for consideration by cabinet. Additionally, the deputation requests related to items on the agenda for this meeting.




    That the deputation requests from the Abbeyfield Residents Steering Group and North Peckham Tenants and Residents Association be heard.


    Abbeyfield Residents Steering Group


    The deputation spokesperson addressed the meeting to request the continued involvement of the tenants in the next and future stages of the process. The spokesperson expressed concern in respect of the potential cost of the concierge for the tenants and its affordability.  Additionally, the deputation requested continued access to an independent resident adviser for assistance on an ad hoc basis. For example, this might be required when matters of technical complexity arise.


    North Peckham Tenants and Residents Association


    The deputation spokesperson outlined their concerns relating to the proposed disposal of 170 Sumner Road, London SE15 in the context of their request for a community hall within the area. While it was accepted that the premises was not ideally suited to their requirements for a community hall, they wished to have their request for this community facility to be considered by cabinet.  Premises within the area were booked far in advance and are difficult for the community to access when required.


    The Walworth Society


    This request was withdrawn prior to the meeting.


Report into the collapse of Southern Cross Care Homes (Report of the 2011/12 Southwark Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee)


Employment and Unemployment in Southwark (Report from Regeneration & Leisure Scrutiny Sub-Committee)


Abbeyfield Estate - Regeneration Project Update

    To consider a regeneration project update in respect of the Abbeyfield Estate.

    Supporting documents:


    The cabinet heard a deputation from the Abbeyfield Residents Steering group (item 6).




    1.  That it be noted that Maydew House tenants who have been rehoused since 9 August 2010 and who qualify for the option to return can choose which flat they return to from the flats available for letting following refurbishment.


    2.  That a separate report seeking to make a compulsory purchase order for the acquisition of all interests not within the council’s ownership be brought to cabinet at a later date.


    3.  That the proposed development process including identification of void properties for sale, with a concentration in the top eight floors be noted.


    4.  That a later procurement for the consultants and contractor to deliver the enhanced refurbishment works as outlined in paragraph 44 of the report be noted.


    5.  That arrangements for a concierge service on completion of the works programme be worked up separately from the other schemes in the borough in the light of the specific requirements pertaining at Abbeyfield Estate.


    6.  That the position for rent charges atMaydew House after refurbishment works are complete be agreed.


    7.  That the implications of the implementation of the Southwark Heat Network proposals on the estate be noted.


    8.  That the impact of the capital works service charges to leaseholders and the annual service charges to all residents be noted.


    9.  That the arrangements for ongoing consultation with residents and the Bede Centre be noted.


    10.  That an update report be received in six months on all high investment need estates within Southwark, including Abbeyfield.


Four Squares Estate - Major Works Update

    To consider a  major works update for the Four Squares Estate.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the progress made in delivering the security and enhanced refurbishment works be noted.


    2.  That the strategy of appointing specialist advisors for disposals as outlined in paragraph 33 of the report be agreed.


    3.  That a pilot is run on the Four Squares Estate whereby the interest free period for leaseholder major works charges is extended to 72 months for charges over £15,000 as outlined in paragraph 27 of the report.


    4.  That an update report be received in six months on all high investment need estates within Southwark, including the Four Squares Estate.


Gateway 1 Long-term Repairs and Maintenance Contract

    To approve the procurement strategy for the procurement of a repairs and maintenance contract covering Camberwell, Peckham, Peckham Rye, Nunhead and Dulwich.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the procurement strategy outlined in the report for the procurement of a repairs and maintenance contract covering Camberwell, Peckham, Peckham Rye, Nunhead and Dulwich for an annual value of up to £11m to commence from 3 October 2013 for five years with the option to extend for a further period up to five years (three plus two years), subject to performance, making an estimated contract value of £110,000,000 be approved.


    2.  That it be noted whilst all repairs and maintenance services are to be included in the procurement, two elements, namely the out of hours service and works to empty properties, might be suitable to be provided in-house as noted in paragraphs 21, 23-24 of the report. A decision will be made on this in the subsequent contract award report. 


Directly Funded Housing Delivery

    To seek agreement in principle to the council directly building and providing new affordable homes in the borough.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the affordable housing fund (AHF) for 2011/12 to 2015/16 (see paragraph 12 of the report) be noted.


    2.  That agreement be given in principle to the council directly building and providing new affordable homes in the borough within the financial limits of the affordable housing fund (AHF) set out in the report and in line with the council’s local planning policy framework.


    3.  That officers be instructed to prepare a further report for presentation to cabinet in September 2012 that sets out a fully costed range of options for the delivery of new affordable council homes, including the broader impact on council and local services.


Community infrastructure levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule


Local Council Tax Support Scheme

    To approve, subject to consultation, the preferred option for Council Tax Support Scheme (CTS) which will result in capping future council tax support to 85 per cent and the proposed consultation strategy.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That as Council Tax Benefit (CTB) is to be abolished by the government from 1 April 2013, the requirement for the council to adopt a Local Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme in its place by 31 January 2013 with a 10 per cent reduction in funding be noted.


    2.  That the underlying principles to approaching this change in government funding as described in paragraphs 12-14 of the report be approved.


    3.  That, subject to consultation, the proposed option for Local Council Tax Support (CTS), detailed at Appendix A (model 10) of the report be approved, which will result in capping future council tax support to 85 per cent.


    4.  That the proposed consultation strategy and the 8 week consultation period be approved.


    5.  That the principles underlying the consultation as outlined in paragraphs 45-52 of the report be approved.


    6.  That the proposal for the removal of the current second adult rebate element from the new scheme be approved in principle, and the need to consider again in October 2012 following the outcome of the consultation process be noted.


    7.  That it be noted following consultation that a further report will be presented to cabinet in October 2012 seeking recommendation to council assembly in November 2012 for adoption of the Local Council Tax support scheme.


Quarterly Capital Monitoring Report Outturn and Capital Programme Refresh 2012-2022


Revenue Outturn Report 2011/12, including Treasury Management


Authorisation of Debt Write-Offs over £50,000 for National Non Domestic Rates - Revenues & Benefits Service


Disposal of the Council's freehold interest in Elmington Estate sites C, D, E and G, Camberwell, SE5


Approval to take a lease on the ground floor offices, 1 Lugard Road, SE15 2HG and of the principle heads of terms

    To seek agreement to take a lease of block C, 1 Lugard Road, London SE15 2HG.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That it be agreed to take a lease of Block C, 1 Lugard Road, SE15 2HG (identified on the plan attached to the report), subject to acceptable terms being agreed with the landlord.


    2.  That authority be delegated to the chief executive to agree detailed lease terms, as recommended by the head of property, and to complete a lease of the premises on the terms (or better) set out in the closed version of the report.


    3.  That the capital requirements for the acquisition of the lease and fit out costs, as detailed in the closed version of the report be noted and that it will be incorporated into the capital outturn report that is being presented to cabinet in July 2012.


Disposal of 170 Sumner Road, SE15 6JL

    To approve the disposal of the council’s freehold interest in 170 Sumner Road, SE15.

    Supporting documents:


    The cabinet agreed to hear a deputation from the North Peckham Tenants and Residents Association on the need for a community hall in the area (item 6).




    1.  That the disposal of the council’s freehold interest in 170 Sumner Road, London SE15 6JL(“the Property”), as shown hatched black on the plan attached to the report, to the bidder identified and on terms set out in the accompanying closed agenda report be approved, subject to any further negotiations considered necessary by the head of property.


    2.  That should the sale not proceed to completion within a reasonable time as determined by the head of property, the property be offered to the underbidder or re-offered for sale on the open market and then sold on terms to be approved by the head of property for the best consideration that can reasonably be obtained.


Appointments to Outside Bodies 2012/13

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    To consider and agree appointments to the Better Bankside Board, Waterloo Quarter Business Alliance and the Kings College Hospital NHS Council of Governors.

    Supporting documents:




    That appointments to the following outside bodies for the municipal year 2012/13 be agreed:


    ·  Better Bankside Board - Councillor Adele Morris


    ·  Waterloo Quarter Business Alliance -  Councillor David Noakes 


    ·  Kings College Hospital NHS Council of Governors - Councillor Catherine McDonald.


Public Health Shared Service between Lambeth and Southwark Councils

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    From April 2013 councils will take on a new role across all four domains of public health, that is: health improvement, health protection, public healthcare and improving the wider determinants of health.  Cabinet is asked to consider sharing a Director of Public Health and a specialist public health team with Lambeth Council.

    Supporting documents:


    This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent as the timescales to put in place a shared Lambeth-Southwark Director of Public Health and specialist public health team in line with public health transition deadlines of April 2013 would have meant that a delay in any cabinet decision would be detrimental to the change process.


    As set out in the advice by the director of legal services, the public health transfer requires a due diligence exercise in order to establish where TUPE or similar arrangements apply. In order to discharge the NHS and council’s statutory obligations to consult with affected staff, as receiver and sender organisations under TUPE, consultation with the affected Directors of Public Health would need to take place in August 2012, with consultation with other affected staff taking place between October and December 2012. Any delay in considering the report could have negatively impacted on the commencement of the statutory consultation in August 2012, as set out in the transition timetable.




    1.  That agreement be given to share a Director of Public Health (DPH) and a specialist public health team with Lambeth Council.


    2.  That a joint due diligence exercise between Lambeth and Southwark take place on the DPH function to inform and validate the financial model for the public health shared service and that this will be undertaken under the oversight of the chief executive in consultation with the cabinet member for health and adult social care.


    3.  That authority be delegated to the chief executive to undertake immediate work with the NHS South-East London Cluster and Lambeth Council to specify and establish the shared DPH and specialist public health team.


161-179 (odd) Manor Place and 6 Stopford Road, SE17 - Disposal of Freehold Interest

    To authorise disposal of the council’s freehold interest in 161-179 (odd) Manor Place and 6 Stopford Road, London SE17.


    This item was withdrawn.

Exclusion of Press and Public

It was moved, seconded and




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 of paragraph 10.4 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Southwark Constitution.


Selection of Preferred Bidder and Disposal of the Council's Freehold Interest in Sites C,D, E and G at Elmington Estate, Camberwell, London SE5


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 18 for decision.


Approval to take a lease on the ground floor offices, 1 Lugard Road, SE15 2HG and of the principle heads of terms


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 19 for decision.


Disposal of 170 Sumner Road, SE15 6JL


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 20 for decision.


161-179 (odd) Manor Place and 6 Stopford Road, SE17 - Disposal of Freehold Interest