Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 14 December 2010 4.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Peckham Road, London SE5 8UB

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Catherine McDonald.


Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


    The chair gave notice that the following late item would be considered for reasons of urgency, to be specified in the relevant minute:


    Item 17a – Decent Homes Funding – Homes and Communities Agency


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any personal interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    There were no disclosures of interests or dispensations.


Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

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    To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules.


    There were no public questions.



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    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on the 23 November 2010.

    Supporting documents:




    That the open minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Deputation requests

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    To consider any deputation requests.

    Supporting documents:


    The deputation (Southwark Trades Council) asked for this request to be deferred to a future meeting of cabinet.  


Southwark Violent Crime Strategy

    To adopt the 2010-15 Safer Southwark Partnership (SSP) Violent Crime Strategy and the five priorities and key recommendations of the strategy.


    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the 2010-15 Safer Southwark Partnership (SSP) violent crime strategy be adopted.


    2.  That the five priorities and key recommendations of the violent crime strategy as set out below be adopted:


    Low level violence: Key recommendation

    ·  Establish a multi agency programme, including increasing the visible uniformed presence, focused over the summer period, in the north of the borough on Fridays and Saturdays and involving communities and businesses.


    Robbery: Key recommendations

    ·  Realign partnership resources to concentrate on after school hours and late evenings, the two peak periods for personal robbery.

    ·  Create “safe routes” for pupils between schools and the Elephant and Castle/neighbouring estates, involving local services and residents.


    Serious violence - including group and weapon violence: Key recommendations

    ·  Develop multi agency approach on a clearly defined area focusing on the estates and connected illegal economy.

    ·  Ensure early intervention is targeted at those most at risk of committing serious violent crime and that exit programmes enable people to make decisions to move away from serious violence lifestyles.

    ·  A single multi agency scaled approach to enforcement and support that utilises the range of resources within the borough.

    ·  Base the scaled approach model on a shared agreement around risk, intervention and intelligence, sharing and targeted at those individuals who are agreed as posing a significant risk.


    Violence against women and girls - including relationship violence: Key recommendations

    ·  Provision for domestic violence and sexual offences is reconfigured in line with recommendations of the SSP and Children’s and Families Trust review of domestic abuse services, due to conclude in December 2010.


    Addressing violent offenders: Key recommendations

    ·  To review and improve current arrangements for identifying and supporting young people and adults (Risk Management Panel, Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements and Priority and Prolific Offenders) to ensure offenders are managed by the most appropriate scheme locally. To include transitional arrangements for those moving from young person to adult services.

    ·  To agree a shared risk assessment framework to ensure we target our partnership resources at key individuals effectively and to maximise the resources at our disposal.


    3.  That the commitment to submit an annual report to cabinet on the progress of the strategy be noted.



Aylesbury Private Finance Initiative Housing Project - Outline Business Case

    To note the government decision to withdraw funding from the Aylesbury Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Housing Project, along with all other housing PFI pipeline projects and to reaffirm commitment to regenerating the Aylesbury Estate and to delivering the Aylesbury Area Action Plan. 


    Supporting documents:




    Decisions of the Cabinet


    1.  That the government decision to withdraw funding from the Aylesbury Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Housing Project, along with all other housing PFI pipeline projects be noted.


    2.  That the commitment to regenerating the Aylesbury Estate and to delivering the Aylesbury Area Action Plan be reaffirmed.


    3.  That officers complete the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the PFI project and submit this to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) as a position statement, to be considered in the event of further resources becoming available.


    4.  That officers review possible alternative funding sources to help progress the regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate, together with associated timescales, and report back to cabinet in February/March 2011.


    5.  That council officers proceed with rehousing tenants in the remainder of Chartridge (Nos 106 – 149) in due course and in line with the indicative housing plan set out in paragraphs 30 to 35 of the report.


    Decision of the Leader of the Council


    6.  That the responsibility for agreeing the detail of the OBC be delegated to the cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy.



Amending the Rehousing Policy for Homeowners affected by the Regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate

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    To agree to amend the set of rehousing options for all resident homeowners with limited capital and/or income affected by the regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate and to apply the current rehousing policies for homeowners on the Heygate Estate


    Supporting documents:




    That the set of rehousing options for all resident homeowners with limited capital and/or income affected by the regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate  be amended and that the current rehousing policies for homeowners on the Heygate Estate be applied.



The Transport Plan and Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy


Response to consultation by Thames Water on the proposed Thames Tideway Tunnel routes and sites


Review of Housing Investment Strategy

    To confirm commitment to making every home warm, dry and safe and to note the findings of the housing stock condition survey and the significant investment identified.



    Supporting documents:




    Decisions of the Cabinet


    1.  That the commitment to making every home warm, dry and safe be confirmed.


    2.  That the findings of the housing stock condition survey and the significant investment needs identified be noted.


    3.  That the different standards that could be applied to achieving decent homes and the financial implications of the different standards; in particular the high cost of delivering the current borough standard be noted.


    4.  That those commitments already made to residents in the two year programme be continued and officers review the specification for work packages where contracts have yet to be committed.


    5.  That further reports are brought back to cabinet by February/March 2011 on a review of the voids disposal strategy, a review of the use of planning powers to generate funds to support decent homes work, and a review of options for estates with high costs and potential approaches. 


    6.  That officers to consider all those options to increase the funding available to the council, set out in paragraphs 62 to 74 of the report, and report back to cabinet with a view to agreeing a new approach which will achieve warm, dry and safe homes.


    7.  That the consultation arrangements as set out in paragraphs 82 to 84 of the report  be agreed and officers begin the process of engaging with residents on the strategy for housing investment in the borough over the next five years, to deliver more benefit to residents overall for the resources available.


    8.  That it be agreed that for homeowners, administration charges are levied in accordance with the terms of the lease to recover costs from homeowners but capped at 10% and subject to 9 below.


    Decision of the Leader of the Council


    9.  That further to 8 above,  authority be delegated to the cabinet member for housing management to periodically review the costs and recharge rate.


Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval: Consolidated Facilities Management Contract for 160 Tooley Street

    To approve the use of the procurement strategy outlined in the report to procure a consolidated facilities management contract for 160 Tooley Street.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the use of the procurement strategy outlined in the report in paragraphs 41 to 46, which follows a further competition utilising the buying solutions facilities management framework, to procure a consolidated facilities management [FM] contract for 160 Tooley Street be approved.


    2.  That it be noted that suppliers will be asked to submit both standard and variant bids (as set out in paragraphs 14 to 15 and 25 to 26 of the report) specifically to address the options for the provision of the service desk and operational facilities management (FM) services.


    3.  That the  option to incorporate other council and partner properties as set out in paragraphs 34 to 35 of the report be noted.



Corporate Asset Management Strategy 2010 - Planning for a Smaller Sustainable Operational Estate


Housing Revenue Account - Indicative Rent-Setting and Budget Report 2011/12

    To note a provisional average rent increase of 7.08% in accordance with the Government’s required formula rent guidance, the provisional changes in tenant service services, provisional increase in rents and charges for all non-residential property and a provisional standstill in heating and hot water charges. Additionally to instruct officers to provide a final report on rent-setting and the housing revenue account budget for 2011/12 after due consultation processes have been followed for consideration by cabinet on 25 January 2011.


    Supporting documents:




    1.  That a provisional average rent increase of 7.08% in accordance with the Government’s required formula rent guidance (as set out in paragraphs 14 – 19 of the report) be noted.  This is equivalent to an increase of £5.71 per week on average, to be applied to all housing revenue account (HRA) dwellings (including estate voids and hostels), with effect from 4 April 2011.  The average budgeted dwelling rent for 2011/12 will be £86.31 per week.


    2.  That the provisional changes in tenant service charges as set out in paragraphs 28 – 32 of the report with effect from 4 April 2011 be noted.


    3.  That the provisional increase in rents and charges for all non-residential property of 50% as set out in paragraphs 33 – 35 of the report with effect from 4 April 2011 be noted.


    4.  That the provisional standstill in heating and hot water charges such that each charge remains at the rate determined for 2009/10 and 2010/11 (as set out in paragraphs 36 – 38 of the report) with effect from 4 April 2011 be noted.


    5.  That officers provide a final report on rent-setting and the housing revenue account (HRA) budget for 2011/12 after due consultation processes have been followed for consideration at the cabinet meeting on 25 January 2011.


    6.  That officers write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, highlighting the size of the provisional rent increase in comparison with those of recent years, where Government has intervened to place a national ceiling on average rent rises, and to ask that a similar ceiling be considered for 2011/12.



Quarter 2 Revenue Monitoring Report - 2010/11

    To note the general fund outturn forecast for 2010/11 and the forecast net movement in reserves, the housing revenue account’s (HRA) forecast outturn for 2010/11 and movement in reserves and the treasury management activity for the second quarter of 2010/11. Additionally,  to note and approve the general fund budget adjustments as required.


    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the following be noted:


    ·  general fund outturn forecast for 2010/11 and the forecast net movement in reserves;

    ·  the housing revenue account’s (HRA) forecast outturn for 2010/11 and movement in reserves.


    2.  That the treasury management activity for the second quarter of 2010/11 be noted.


    3.  That the general fund budget adjustments as required, as detailed in Appendix A of the report be noted and approved.


    4.  That strategic directors be instructed to continue to take further action to manage the cost of services within agreed budgets.


    5.  That references to the fire at Carisbrooke Gardens in reports and other relevant documentation should in future  be amended to read ‘Sumner Road’.



Policy and resources strategy 2011/12 - 2013/14: medium term resources strategy and local government settlement

    This item will now be considered by a special cabinet. The meeting details will be confirmed shortly when arranged.


    The cabinet member for finance and resources, Councillor Richard Livingstone updated the cabinet with the headlines from the provisional grant settlement.  A report on the settlement will be considered by a special cabinet meeting on 21 December 2010.



Decent Homes Funding - Homes and Communities Agency

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    To agree a submission for Decent Homes funding to the Homes and Communities Agency by the published deadline of 11 January 2011.


    Supporting documents:


    This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item for reasons of urgency because the council was required to provide a decent homes submission to the Homes and Communities Agency decent homes funding by the published deadline of 11 January 2011. 




    Decisions of the Cabinet


    1.  That  the council’s response to the proposals for funding backlog investment in decent homes issued by the Homes and Communities Agency and Communities and Local Government be noted.


    2.  That a submission for decent homes funding is made to the Homes and Communities Agency by the published deadline of 11 January 2011.


    Decision of the Leader


    3.  That the authority to develop and submit the bid for funding be delegated to the cabinet member for finance and resources in consultation with the deputy chief executive and the finance director. 


Exclusion of Press and Public

It was moved, seconded and




That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of the exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of paragraph 10.4 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Southwark Constitution.


The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed section of the meeting.



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    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the closed section of the meeting held on the 23 November 2010.

    Supporting documents:


    The closed minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2010 were approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. 



    The meeting ended at 5.55pm