Venue: Ground Floor Meeting Room GO2A, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH
Contact: Paula Thornton or Virginia Wynn-Jones Phone: 020 7525 4395/7055 Email:;
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were none. |
Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent
In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting. Minutes: There were none. |
Notice of Intention to conduct business in a closed meeting, and any representations received
To note the item specified which will be considered in a closed meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: No representations were received in respect of the items listed as closed business for the meeting. |
Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations
Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: There were none. |
Public Question Time (15 Minutes)
To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. Minutes: No public questions were received. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 2 June 2015. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. |
Deputation Requests
To consider any deputation requests. Minutes: There were none. |
Health of the Borough: A Report from the Healthy Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee
To note the recommendations of the report and to agree that the cabinet member brings a report back to cabinet within eight weeks, in order to respond to the overview and scrutiny committee. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Rebecca Lury, chair of the healthy communities scrutiny sub-committee, presented the report.
That the recommendations of the report be noted, and that the relevant cabinet member bring back a report to cabinet within eight weeks in order to respond to the overview and scrutiny committee. |
Halve It - Reducing HIV Late Detection
To endorse local efforts to halve the rate of HIV late diagnosis. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the local efforts to halve the rate of HIV late diagnosis by 2020 be endorsed, by:
a) Implementing the Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham (LSL) Sexual Health Strategy which includes a commitment to improving access to HIV testing by delivering on programmes of work outlined below b) Implementing NICE guidance on HIV testing c) Widening access to testing across primary care settings (this may include expanding testing in specific locations and could include GP practices and potentially in high street pharmacies) d) Widening provision of HIV testing in acute settings (this may include providing additional testing services in medical wards, A&E and out patient services) e) Engaging with stakeholders (GUM, Primary Care, Community Services and patients/public) in designing and implementing testing services f) Widening access to HIV testing through SH24, Lambeth and Southwark’s online sexual health service (SH24 is working with GUM clinicians to provide a viable alternative to people who are asymptomatic by signposting appropriately to the online service and reducing service cost) g) Establishing an LSL-wide C-card scheme (condom distribution) for both young people and vulnerable adults as part of a wider sexual health promotion programme h) Developing a ‘Halve it delivery plan’ (which includes prevention) for consideration by cabinet in six months. |
Fairer Future Annual Performance Report 2014/15
To note the delivery against the council plan 2014-2018 for year end 2014-2015. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That delivery against the council plan 2014 – 2018 for year end 2014/15 be noted. |
Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy Approval: Supply of Gas to All Council Sites
To approve the procurement strategy for the supply of gas to all council sites. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the procurement strategy outlined in the report for the supply of gas to all council sites, as detailed in paragraph 2 of the report, at an estimated value of £11.5m per annum for a four year period from 1 October 2016 giving an estimated total value of £46m, be approved.
2. That information on the outcomes of the warm dry safe programme on fuel bills be added into the gateway 2 report. |
Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy Approval: Supply of Electricity to All Council Sites
To approve the procurement strategy for the supply of electricity to all council sites. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the procurement strategy outlined in the report for the supply of electricity to all council sites as detailed in paragraph 2 of the report, at an estimated value of £6.4m per annum for a four year period from 1 October 2016 giving an estimated total value of £25.6m, be approved.
2. That information on the outcomes of the warm dry safe programme on fuel bills be added into the gateway 2 report. |
Gateway 2: Contract Award Approval for Prevention and Inclusion Framework - Accommodation Based Services
To approve an increase in the number of suppliers on the mental health category of the joint Lewisham-Southwark framework for accommodation based prevention and inclusion services. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That an increase in the numbers of suppliers on the mental health category of the joint Lewisham-Southwark framework for accommodation based prevention and inclusion services from 10 to 15 be approved due to the reasons outlined in paragraph 24 of the report.
2. That the suppliers listed in paragraph 25 of the report be placed onto the joint Lewisham-Southwark framework agreement.
3. That the joint Lewisham-Southwark framework be noted as operating for a period of four years commencing on 1 August 2015 until 31 July 2019.
4. That the contracts ‘called off’ from the framework agreement being subject to individual contract award reports and decisions that will be taken in line with the council’s contract standing orders be noted.
5. That the total current annual budget in Southwark for services subject to the framework is £4.2m be noted. |
Exclusion of Press and Public That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 of paragraph 10.4 of the access to information procedure rules of the Southwark Constitution.
The following is a summary of the closed part of the meeting. |
Gateway 2: Contract Award Approval for Prevention and Inclusion Framework - Accommodation Based Services
Minutes: The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this item. Please see item 13 for decision. |