Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 19 March 2013 5.00 pm

Venue: Ground Floor Meeting Room GO2A, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH

Contact: Everton Roberts or Paula Thornton  Phone: 020 7525 7221/4395 Email:;

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Claire Hickson.


Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


    The chair gave notice that the following late item would be considered for the reasons of urgency, to be specified in the relevant minutes:


    Item 7 – Deputation requests.


Notice of Intention to conduct business in a closed meeting, and any representations received

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    No closed items are scheduled for consideration at this meeting.


    No closed items were scheduled for consideration at this meeting.  


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    There were no disclosures of interests or dispensations.


Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

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    To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules.


    There were no public questions.



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    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 12 February 2013.

    Supporting documents:




    That the open minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


Deputation Requests

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    To consider any deputation requests.

    Supporting documents:


    This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent as the requests had been submitted in line with the constitutional deadline for the receipt of deputation requests and were therefore eligible for consideration by cabinet.




    That the deputation requests be heard.


    Summary of the deputations heard:


    Pelican Plus Tenants and Residents Association


    Councillor Mark Glover was also in attendance to support the deputation. The deputation reported that the residents were concerned about the loss of a community hall.  The deputation explained that their original thought was to reinstate the original tenants hall.  However the view now was that that it might not be the most feasible option.


    The deputation were now asking that if the Council was going to convert the hall into flats that the council looked at the flats in the whole block, in particular the flats on the ground floor which had a long standing issue of damp and lack of ventilation.


    The depuation reported that the current tenants hall (previously the laundry room) was small and would like consideration given to see if an extension to the hall was possible. The current space was viewed as restrictive in terms of any equipment that can be brought into the space, especially for the children. 


    The deputy leader and cabinet member for housing management advised that the council would need to look at where the block was in terms of the ‘warm, dry and safe programme’ and see whether any works could be aligned with the work on the conversion of the community hall.  In respect of the tenants hall the deputy leader and cabinet member for housing management advised that a feasiblity study could be undertaken to see what work can be done in relation to an extension.


    Decima Street Tenants and Residents Association


    The tenants and residents association spokesperson addressed the meeting to request that consideration be given for funding towards the installation of a door entry system for blocks on Meakin Estate, Elim Estate and Decima Street block.


    The deputation reported that they were promised security doors and entrance systems in 2008 to be funded from Section 106 monies.  The deputation reported on the problems experienced by residents due to antisocial behaviour.  They believed that the open nature of the walkways on the estates and the secluded design of the stairways made them very attractive for young people to congregate and take part in antisocial activities. 


    Cabinet requested that a report be submitted to the next meeting with regard to the issues raised by the deputation, including Section 106 funding.


    A Group of Residents from East Dulwich Estate


    The deputation spokesperson addressed the meeting in respect of the proposals contained in item 10 of the agenda relating to East Dulwich Estate.  The deputation advised that they were broadly in support of the proposals contained in the report with the exception of the proposal for new build housing on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Admission Arrangements for Community Primary Schools - September 2014


Southwark Coordinated Admission Schemes for Secondary and Primary Admissions 2014


East Dulwich Estate Regeneration Scheme and Scheme Finance Update

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    To note the progress on the East Dulwich Estate regeneration scheme, and the need to amend elements of the 2005 executive report and 2011 cabinet report in the light of changed circumstances.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the progress on the East Dulwich Estate regeneration scheme, and the need to amend elements of the 2005 executive report and 2011 cabinet report in the light of changed circumstances be noted.


    2.  That the new build housing proposed for the former sites of Gatebeck House and Southdown House be developed as council housing as part of the direct delivery programme, as outlined at paragraphs 19 – 22 of the report.


    3.  That the conversion works to the drying rooms for sale be delivered by the council directly as outlined at paragraphs 26 – 28 of the report.


    4.  That the environmental works include a proportion of environmental improvement works as well as the health and safety works required as outlined at paragraphs 23 – 25 of the report.


    5.  That the current shortfall in the supply of the voids for sale and the proposals to indentify further units as set out at paragraph 29 of the report be noted.


    6.  That the financial arrangements to achieve the outcome of the above decisions as set out at paragraphs 15 – 18 of the report be agreed in outline.


    7.  That officers provide a report to cabinet within 3 months setting out options for Badminton House in the light of changed circumstances. The report should include an appraisal of any further available approaches including refurbishment and or partial retention.


Authorisation of Debt Write-offs over £50,000 for National Non Domestic Rates - Revenues & Benefits Service


Review of the Social Lettings Agency and the Creation of an In-house Private Sector Leasing Scheme


Alcohol Strategy 2013 - 2016


Southwark Planning Policy Compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework


31 Shawbury Road, SE22, 92 Lorrimore Road, SE17 and 41 Hayles Street, SE11 - Disposal of Freehold interests


Motions Referred from Council Assembly - 23 January 2013

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    To consider motions referred from council assembly 23 January 2013:


    • Genuine affordable council housing for Southwark
    • Major works and housing repairs
    • Save Southwark emergency services
    • DNA database

    Supporting documents:




    Genuinely affordable council housing for Southwark Council


    That the motion referred from council assembly as a recommendation to cabinet, set below be agreed.


    1.  That council assembly welcomes the fact that the current Labour administration is:


    ·  Investing £326 million to ensure every council home in Southwark is warm, dry and safe by 2016

    ·  Building 1000 new council homes in Southwark over the next eight years - more than have been built in all of London in the last 10 years

    ·  Engaging in a borough-wide consultation into the proposals put forward by Southwark’s groundbreaking independent housing commission which explored future housing options for strategy over the next 30 years

    ·  And rejecting the government’s definition of affordable housing as up to 80% market rents, by ensuring rents on phase 1 of the Heygate were lowered from 65% to 50% market rents to reflect the wishes of local residents.


    2.  That council assembly regrets the complete failure of the previous administration when it came to housing, including:


    ·  No new council homes approved between 2002-2010

    ·  An unworkable and unfunded decent homes programme which was millions of pounds over budget and left many Southwark residents without decent homes

    ·  7,800 fewer council homes in Southwark by the end of their time in office.


    3.  That councilassembly believes the Tory Liberal Democrat government’s housing policy is not geared towards providing more affordable and social housing and opposes:


    ·  The housing benefit cap

    ·  “Affordable rent” of up to 80% of market rent

    ·  The ending of secure tenancies

    ·  The slashing of the social housing budget by £3.9 billion

    ·  The Growth and Infrastructure Bill which allows developers to deliver 0% affordable housing on new developments

    ·  Right to buy discounts of up to £75,000.


    4.  That council assembly notes that Simon Hughes MP and the Liberal Democrats have supported all of these measures.


    5.  That council assembly notes that sites for the first phase of the council’s 1000 new homes have already been identified throughout the borough and calls on cabinet to draw up plans for consultation on the next phase of new council homes.


    Major works and housing repairs


    That the motion referred from council assembly as a recommendation to cabinet, set below be agreed and the comments of the strategic director of housing and community services be noted.


    1.  That council assembly regrets the incident at Draper House and notes that the council is doing everything in its power to ensure people feel safe in their homes. It notes that:


    ·  An investigation was immediately begun into the cause of the incident and that the council has agreed to fully adopt any recommendations to ensure residents' safety

    ·  Properties where similar work was carried out are undergoing inspection by the council's compliance team to ensure work has been done properly and to the required safety standards

    ·  The council has also alerted the health and safety executive as safety is its top priority.


    2.  That council assembly notes that at Four Squares the project has been completely turned round. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Local Welfare Provision - Southwark Emergency Support Scheme