Venue: Ground Floor Meeting Room GO2A, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH
Contact: Everton Roberts or Paula Thornton Phone: 020 7525 7221/4395 Email:;
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: All members were present. |
Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent
In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting. Minutes: The chair gave notice that the following item would be considered for reasons of urgency, to be specified in the relevant minute:
Item 9 – Report from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Policy and Resources 2013/14 to 2015/16. |
Notice of Intention to conduct business in a closed meeting, and any representations received
No closed items are scheduled for consideration at this meeting. Minutes: No closed items were scheduled for consideration at this meeting. |
Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations
Members to declare any interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interests or dispensations. |
Public Question Time (15 Minutes)
To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meetings held on 29 January 2013. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the open minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. |
Deputation Requests
To consider any deputation requests. Minutes: There were no deputation requests. |
Policy and Resources 2013/14 to 2015/16
To recommend a balanced budget for 2013/14 to council assembly in February 2013. Supporting documents: Minutes: This report was considered in conjunction with the report from the overview and scrutiny committee (see item 9). Councillor Catherine Bowman, chair of the overview and scrutiny committee presented the committee’s recommendations.
2. That the analysis of the implications for the council of the autumn statement and the provisional settlement and that the final settlement is not now due until 13 February 2013 be noted.
3. That the new funding arrangements for local government and particularly the arrangements for the localisation of business rates and the risks and opportunities that this creates for the council be noted.
4. That the response to the provisional statement made to the Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG) by the cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety, including specific references to the timing of the release of the settlement and related information be noted.
5. That the government has announced a spending review for spring 2013 and the potential for further changes to the 2014/15 provisional settlement be noted.
6. That the loss to the council of early intervention grant (EIG) of £6.1m in 2013/14 and a further provisional loss of £918,000 in 2014/15 be noted.
7. That the 2013/14 budget proposals contained within the report to achieve a balanced budget for consideration by cabinet with particular reference to the notional 2013/14 budget approved by council assembly in February 2011 be noted.
8. That it be noted that the balanced budget for 2013/14 for recommendation to council assembly on 27 February 2013, includes:
· the intention to freeze council tax at current levels and to accept the government’s freeze grant arising from this decision
· the commitment to new growth and commitments of £11.8m per annum, including new commitments to support welfare provision of approximately £3.5m, in addition to the creation of a welfare hardship fund (as set out in paragraph 9 of the report)
· the target to save approximately £24.9m per annum arising from efficiencies, income generation and other savings
· the provision of contributions from council balances of £6.7m in consideration of the need to make best use of these balances during a period of significant reductions in government funding
· the inclusion of ring fenced public health funding consistent with the announcement by DCLG for the council and it be noted that this function will be included within the council budget statements moving forward
· the transfer from the Department of Works and Pensions of Social Grant funding for small grants, crisis loans and administration and the intention to allocate this grant in full to support a council scheme that will be developed to support the most vulnerable residents in Southwark.
9. That the setting aside from balances and reserves the specific sum of £800,000 in 2013/14 created by the proceeds generated as a consequence of council ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Report from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Policy and Resources 2013/14 to 2015/16
To consider the report from the overview and scrutiny committee on the policy and resources strategy 2013/14 to 2015/16. Supporting documents: Minutes: This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent as the overview and scrutiny committee’s recommendations needed to be considered in conjunction with cabinet agenda item 8, Policy and Resources 2013/14 to 2015/16.
The recommendations of the overview and scrutiny committee were considered in conjunction with the previous item. |
Revenue Monitoring Report Quarter 3, 2012/13 including Treasury Management
To note the general fund outturn forecast for 2012/13m, the forecast council tax and business rates collection fund balance as at 31 March 2013 and to approve the general fund budget movements during quarter 3 that exceed £250,000. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the following be noted:
· the general fund outturn forecast for 2012/13 and the resultant forecast net movement in reserves · the housing revenue account’s (HRA) forecast outturn for 2012/13 and resulting forecast movement in reserves · the treasury management activity for the third quarter of 2012/13.
2. That the initial revenue savings arising from the council’s purchase of 160 Tooley Street be noted.
3. That the forecast council tax and business rates collection fund balance as at 31 March 2013 be noted.
4. That the general fund budget movements during quarter 3 that exceed £250,000, as shown in Appendix A, be approved.
5. That the strategic director of finance and corporate services set aside the 2012/13 savings arising from the Tooley Street acquisition for additional investment in community safety schemes in the borough. |
Quarterly Capital Monitoring Report Quarter 3
To note the general fund capital programme 2012/13–2021/22 and the housing investment programme 2012/13–2021/22 at quarter 3 and to agree the virements and funded variations for this quarter as detailed in the report. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the general fund capital programme 2012/13–2021/22 as at quarter 3 2012/13 as detailed in Appendices A and D of the report be noted.
2. That the housing investment programme 2012/13–2021/22 at quarter 3 2012/13 as detailed in Appendix B of the report be noted.
3. That the virements and funded variations for quarter 3 2012/13 as detailed in Appendix C of the report be agreed. |
Authorisation of Debt Write-offs over £50,000 for National Non Domestic Rates - Revenues and Benefits Service
To seek approval for the write-off of the debt of £98,031.81 for one debt which is irrecoverable. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the write off of the debt of £98,031.81 for one debt (which includes seven accounts billed to the same ratepayer) which is irrecoverable be approved. |
Leathermarket Joint Management Board - Self Financing of Housing Revenue Account
To note the progress made towards the proposal of ‘self financing’ of the Leathermarket Joint Management Board (JMB) and agree to enter into a new modular management agreement. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the progress made towards the innovative and ground breaking proposal to establish the first ‘self financing’ tenant management organisation (TMO) in the country thereby increasing significantly the levels of empowerment of council residents in this area be noted.
2. That the implementation of this proposal from April 2013 be agreed.
3. That the the council enter into a new modular management agreement (MMA) with Leathermarket joint management board (JMB) that includes additional terms to enable the payment of an allowance to the JMB to equate to the sums levied by way of rent, service charge and garage rent, and robust monitoring mechanisms to ensure that public funds are protected be agreed. |
Progress report on Abbeyfield Estate Regeneration scheme and update on delivery of Four Squares and Hawkstone Estate
To note the progress made on the Abbeyfield Estate regeneration scheme and progress of the Hawkstone and Four Squares Estates. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That for Abbeyfield Estate:
1. The progress made on achieving vacant possession of Maydew House residents be noted.
2. That the outcome of the option-to-return expression of interest be noted.
3. That the procurement plan and milestones outlined in paragraph 19 of the report be noted.
4. That the proposed programme for the identification of voids for sale outlined in paragraph 20 of the report be noted.
5. That the preparations and progress towards the refurbishment of Maydew House, Damory House and Thaxted Court be noted.
6. That the issuing of Ground 10 notices as part of the notice of seeking possession process as outlined in paragraph 15 of the report be noted.
7. That it be noted that the council is taking active steps to secure the making of a compulsory purchase order.
and in addition:
8. That the update on the progress of the Hawkstone and Four Squares estates be noted. |
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule
To agree to publish and invite representations on the community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule and the draft “Regulation 123 List”. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That it be agreed to publish and invite representations on the community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule (Appendix A of the report) and the draft “Regulation 123 List” (Appendix B). The Bakerloo Line extension (not including land) to be added to the CIL Regulation 123 list (Appendix B).
2. That the draft infrastructure delivery plan (Appendix C of the report), the equalities analysis (Appendix D), the consultation plan (Appendix E) and consultation report (Appendix F) be noted.
3. That the submission of the community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule to the Planning Inspectorate for an examination-in-public be approved, provided no substantive changes are necessary following consultation.
4. That the approval of any minor amendments resulting from consultation on the community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule and the draft “Regulation 123 List” be delegated to the director of planning, in consultation with the cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy. |
Establishment of Public Health Leadership and Commissioning in Southwark Council
To agree arrangements for the local authority to take on public health accountabilities and responsibilities from April 2013. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That it be noted that the local authority will take on public health accountabilities and responsibilities from April 2013.
2. That the appointment on 3 September 2012 of a joint director of public health for Southwark and Lambeth, in line with the Southwark cabinet’s decision of 17 July 2012, be noted.
3. That the NHS consultation with public health staff on the operating model for a shared specialist team for Southwark and Lambeth be noted.
4. That the approach to commissioning sexual health services (paragraphs 43 to 52 of the report), alcohol and substance misuse treatment services (paragraphs 53 to 59), children’s commissioning (paragraphs 60 to 63) and health promotion and prevention (paragraphs 64 to 65) be agreed.
5. That authority for the final sign-off on the NHS contract transfer scheme and staff transfer scheme be delegated to the strategic director of children’s and adults’ services and the strategic director of finance and corporate services.
6. That authority be delegated to the strategic director of children’s and adults’ services after consultation with the strategic director of finance and corporate services on:
i. the agreement with the local clinical commissioning group referred to in paragraph 71 of the report ii. the tri-borough agreement referred to in paragraph 70 of the report iii. the shared service agreement referred to in paragraph 69 of the report and any other ancillary agreements. |
Establishing Southwark's Health and Wellbeing Board as a Committee of the Council
To agree to recommend that council assembly establish Southwark’s Health and Wellbeing Board as a committee of the council from 1 April 2013. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That council assembly be recommended to establish Southwark's health and wellbeing board as a committee of the council from 1 April 2013 and to agree the membership of the board as set out in paragraph 25 of the report.
2. That it be noted that the terms of reference and procedural rules for the board will be agreed at council assembly following the publication of secondary legislation.
3. That it be agreed that the joint health and wellbeing strategy will be proposed by the health and wellbeing board for approval by cabinet and the NHS clinical commissioning group governing body.
NOTE: This decision is to be treated as a recommendation to council assembly. Therefore these decisions are not subject to call-in. |
Exclusion of press and public It was moved, seconded and
That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 of paragraph 10.4 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Southwark Constitution.
The following is a summary of the closed part of the meeting. |
To approve as a correct record the closed minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2013. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the closed minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. |