Venue: 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH
No. | Item |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Barrie Hargrove. |
Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent
In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting. Minutes: The chair gave notice that the following late items would be considered for reasons of urgency to be specified in the relevant minute:
Items 14 and 18: Elephant and Castle Regeneration - Shopping Centre
Items 15 and 19: Elephant and Castle Regeneration - Variation of Regeneration Agreement |
Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations
Members to declare any personal interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: There were no disclosures of interests or dispensations. |
Public Question Time (15 Minutes)
To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. Minutes: There were no public questions.
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 18 October 2011. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the open minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. |
To consider any deputation requests. Minutes: There were no deputation requests. |
Response to the Education and Children's Services Scrutiny Sub-Committee's Review of School Admissions
To note and agree the response to the recommendations of the education and children’s services scrutiny sub-committee. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the response to the recommendations of the education and children’s services scrutiny sub-committee be noted and agreed.
2. That the action plan attached as Appendix 1 to the report be agreed.
3. That a report on the progress of implementing the recommendations be submitted to the education and children’s services scrutiny sub-committee in May 2012. |
Updated Response to the Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Sub-Committee's Review of Housing Repairs Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
To note the update on progress on delivering the housing and community safety sub-committee’s recommendations. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the update on progress on delivering the housing and community safety sub-committee’s recommendations be noted.
2. That the ongoing monitoring of the action plan and progress take place at the repairs core group, chaired by the deputy leader and cabinet member for housing.
3. That the additional activity being undertaken to improve the repairs service be noted.
4. That a report on the progress made in relation to the action plan be reported to the April 2012 cabinet. |
Quarterly Revenue Monitoring Report quarter 2, 2011/12, including Treasury Management
To note:
To approve the general fund budget movements. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the following be noted:
· the general fund outturn forecast for 2011/12 and the forecast net movement in reserves; · the housing revenue account’s (HRA) forecast outturn for 2011/12 and resulting forecast movement in reserves; · the treasury management activity for the second quarter of 2011/12.
2. That the forecast performance for the council tax and business rates collection fund be noted, and that it also be noted that a report will be brought to cabinet on the performance of the service since moving it in-house.
3. That the general fund budget movements as shown in Appendix A of the report be approved. |
Quarterly Capital Monitoring Report Quarter 2
To approve the addition of budgets into the programme and the current monitoring position. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the addition of budgets into the programme, matched by additional funding secured since the last report to cabinet be approved.
2. That the current monitoring position for the general fund capital programme 2011-21 and housing investment programme 2011-16 as at 30 September 2011 (Appendices A, B and D of the report) be noted.
3. That the additions into the programme of budgets relating to existing cabinet decisions and the movement of existing schemes between departments. (Appendix C of the report) be noted. |
Disposal of 1-11 (odd) Pytchley Road, East Dulwich SE22 8DG
To authorise the head of property to dispose of the council’s freehold interest in 1-11 Pytchley Road, SE22 8DG. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the head of property be authorised to dispose of the council’s freehold interest in 1-11 Pytchley Road, SE22 8DG (“the Property”), on the terms outlined in the closed version of the report.
2. That the capital receipt to replenish the housing investment programme from which the East Dulwich Estate refurbishment programme was forward funded be authorised.
3. That the head of property be authorised to agree the precise terms of the sale, with the purchaser, and to agree terms with any of the under bidders subject to best consideration requirements in the unlikely event the original offer fails to progress to completion. |
Motions Referred from Council Assembly
To consider motions referred from the council assembly meeting held on 12 October 2011. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
Community Response to August’s Disturbances
1. That the motion referred from council assembly as a recommendation to cabinet, set out below in italics be noted and agreed.
(1) That council assembly notes the letter to all members from the leader of the council on 7 September outlining tonight’s theme.
(2) That council assembly notes the disturbances and looting that took place on 8 August 2011 and condemns the criminality and lawlessness which took place across the borough. However, it further notes residents’ response in the days that followed, and the action by our community to come together and repair the damage that had been done.
(3) That council assembly believes that this community response more accurately reflects the state of the borough than the disturbances themselves, but further believes that the causes of the disturbances require a genuine and thoughtful response.
(4) That council assembly notes the authority’s ongoing “community conversations”, engaging with residents on the causes of the disturbances. It calls on the leader to update members on the council’s response to disturbances of the initial findings of the “community conversations”.
(5) That council assembly believes that the themed debate ought to feed into that wider “community conversations” and notes the questions contained within the leader’s letter:
· What caused the outbreak of disturbances and looting in Southwark?
· What caused the community to respond in the positive way that it did?
· What can we all do to continue to build our civil society in Southwark?
Council assembly calls on all members to contribute their views on those three questions in the debate. It calls on the cabinet to take those views on board, to feed them into the ongoing community conversation and to feed back to council assembly on what action will be taken following the community conversations in no more than six months.
(6) That council assembly calls on cabinet to ensure feedback from the council’s community conversations informs how we can create a fairer future for all in Southwark.
2. That it be noted that the council continues to respond and be involved in the local and national debate on the riots. The government’s inquiry into the August riots chaired by Darra Singh and the ‘community conversation’ work undertaken by the council was also noted.
Payday Loans
That the motion referred from council assembly as a recommendation to cabinet, set out below in italics be noted and agreed.
(1) That council assembly notes the large number of “payday loan” shops in the borough; particularly in Peckham and on the Walworth Road.
(2) That council assembly notes that the interest rates charged on these loans can often be in excess of 2000% meaning that the average borrower ends up paying far more than the original cost of the loan.
(3) That council assembly believes that charging such large interest rates on loans to often financially vulnerable people is exploitative and takes money away from individuals and families at a time when the cost of living ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Elephant and Castle Supplementary Planning Document/Opportunity Area Planning Framework
To approve for consultation the draft Elephant and Castle Supplementary planning document/opportunity area planning framework. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the draft Elephant and Castle supplementary planning document/opportunity area planning framework (Appendix A of the report) be approved for consultation and the consultation plan (Appendix B of the report), the equalities impact assessment (Appendix C), the sustainability appraisal (Appendix D) and the appropriate assessment carried out under the EU Habitats Directive (Appendix E) of the report be noted. |
Elephant and Castle Regeneration - Shopping Centre
To enter into agreements with Lend Lease (Elephant and Castle) Ltd and KPI III SARL to take forward the regeneration of the Elephant and Castle shopping centre. Supporting documents: Minutes: This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent to enable the development agreement between KPI SARL to be completed on programme so as not to delay the regeneration of the shopping centre. In particular, the board of KPI SARL would not release funding to move forward detailed design work until the agreement had been signed. The cost of the design work was considerable and KPI SARL needed a contractual commitment from the council (this report) to enter into such expenditure. A delay in completing the contract by the council would mean that design works would have begun three months later than programmed with a consequential knock on effect to the regeneration programme. This was contrary to the council’s aspiration to bring forward the regeneration as soon as possible.
Additionally, the report needed to be considered on the same agenda as the Elephant and Castle Regeneration Agreement variation report, as the co-operation agreement formed part of an overall package in relation to the regeneration.
Cabinet agrees to enter into agreements with Lend Lease (Elephant and Castle) Ltd and KPI III SARL to take forward the regeneration of the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre on the principal terms set out in Appendices A and B of the closed version of the report and to vary the Elephant and Castle Regeneration Agreement to reflect the change in delivery approach as a result. |
Elephant and Castle Regeneration - Variation of Regeneration Agreement
To agree to vary the regeneration agreement. Supporting documents: Minutes: This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent as the input of additional funding from Lend Lease was conditional upon the cabinet considering and determining the proposed variations at the 22 November 2011 meeting. Failure to consider the report at this meeting would have put this additional funding at risk.
That agreement be given to vary the Regeneration Agreement as set out in the closed version of the report. |
Exclusion of Press and Public That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 of paragraph 10.4 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Southwark Constitution.
The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed section of the meeting. |
To approve as a correct record the closed minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2011. Minutes: The minutes of the closed section of the meeting held on 18 October 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. |
Disposal of 1-11 (odd) Pytchley Road, East Dulwich SE22 8DG Minutes: The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 11 for decision. |
Elephant and Castle Regeneration - Shopping Centre
Minutes: The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 14 for decision. |
Elephant and Castle Regeneration - Variation of Regeneration Agreement Minutes: The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 15 for decision.