Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 19 July 2011 4.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Peckham Road, London SE5 8UB

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    Apologies for lateness were received from Councillor Ian Wingfield.


Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


    The chair gave notice of two late deputation requests on:


    ·  Pumphouse Educational Museum - Funding.


    ·  Cycling Provision in the Transport Plan


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any personal interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    The chief executive declared an interest in item 15, Southwark Council Representation on Potters Fields Park Management Trust as she was a member of the Potters Fields park trust.


Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

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    To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules.


    The following public questions were received:-


    1.  Question from Mr. Mick Barnard


    “Can you confirm the next report on Southwark's Cemeteries Strategy will contain the 1996 report, 2002 report for the Institute of Cemeteries and Cremations, the 2000 Steering Group minutes including any associated planning applications and other relevant information as required by the constitution ?”


    Councillor Barrie Hargrove responded:


    Any future report on Cemeteries strategy will be focussed upon seeking a long term strategy for burial provision.  As required by the constitution the report will set out  a list of those documents relating to the subject matter of the report which in the author's opinion:


    a) disclose any facts or matters on which the report or an important part of the report is based and

    b) which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing the report but does not include published works.


    I am happy that if the documents that Mr Barnard refers to can be located, these can be included under the background documents section, once the final report is published."


    2.  Question from Mr. Antony Eaves


    Mr. Antony Eaves was not present at the meeting and his question was read out by the leader of the council as follows:


    “Is the borough of Southwark committed to enabling young people with disabilities to participate in all sports activities particularly the London Youth Games, and will Southwark ensure that the 2012 London Youth Games Sailing regatta include a class of dinghy that allows young people with disabilities to participate along with those without disabilities, thereby ensuring equality and ensuring that the event is compliant with the Equality Act 2010. “


    Councillor Veronica Ward responded:


    She advised of her written response set out in italics below.  Councillor Ward also reported that the London Youth Games does include games for people with disabilities.  But she didn’t know whether it included sailing for people with disabilities.  She would be writing to the London Youth Games and would also be meeting with Tideways.


    Southwark Council were one of the first signatories of the first 'Inclusive and Active' programme from "Interactive" (formerly the London Sports Forum for Disabled People) and are signatories of 'Inclusive and Active 2', our commitment is reflected in the borough's Sport and Physical Activity Strategy and in the gains that have been made in uptake of activity by people with disabilities.  'Inclusive and Active' aims, specifically, to break down the barriers between sport for people with and without disabilities with the ultimate objective of fully inclusive sport for all wherever it can be achieved.  Southwark Council is also committed to supporting these aims and objectives. I will write to the London Youth Games to pursue the inclusion in next year’s regatta, of a dinghy class that allows young people with disabilities to participate along with those without disabilities and will inform you of the outcome.



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    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 21 June 2011.

    Supporting documents:




    That the open minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.

Variation to agenda item order


The report items were considered in the following order as the Chair had to leave the meeting at 5.45pm: Item 6, 7,11,8,14,17,22,9,10,12,13,15,16,23,24,25. 


The chair left the meeting after consideration of item 22.  Councillor Ian Wingfield, Deputy Leader chaired the meeting from item 9 onwards.



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    To receive a petition on “Save Our Lollipop People” in the Dulwich area.

    Supporting documents:


    A petition containing 3754 signatures was presented to cabinet from the local community regarding the proposed removal of the 3 lollipop people who work on the two schools crossings on East Dulwich Grove which are used by children attending schools in the area.  The petition was presented by Ms Celia Robertson, spokesperson.


    The petitioners thanked the council and in particular the cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling for agreeing to keep the lollipop people for another year.  The petitioners welcomed the fact that this decision was borough wide and covered all the crossing personnel in Southwark.


    The petitioners stressed that the lollipop personnel were not a luxury but essential.  The petitioners also stressed that the school crossing patrols could not safely and reliably be undertaken by parent volunteers.


    With regard to the Council suggesting that the schools maintain the crossings service, the petitioners felt that as this was a road safey issue it should be funded by the council.


    The petitioners urged the council to ring-fence funding for this vital service and asked for the permanent retention of crossing patrols as part of the council’s integrated approach to road safety and children’s health in the community.


    At the conclusion of the spokespersons address, the cabinet debated the petition.




    That the comments of the petitioners and the strategic director of environment, paragraphs 8 – 11 of the report be noted.


Deputation requests

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    To consider deputation requests received.

    Supporting documents:


    Pumphouse Educational Museum – Funding


    The cabinet received a deputation from a group of individuals concerning funding cuts to the Pumphouse Educational Museum.


    The deputation spokesperson Mr Kruger De Koch reported that a community space was needed where the community could be nurtured and developed.  He advised that the Pumphouse was excellently placed and was accessible to the entire community.  It was used by old, young and disabled people and enabled these different groups to be together at the same time.


    The deputation spokesperson also advised that the Pumphouse was a good teaching base.  The deputation were asking that the council keep the core funding in place and the deputation would develop a ‘Friends of Rotherhithe Pumphouse’.  Mr De Koch indicated that there was already at least 100 people ready to become Friends.


    The leader of the council advised the deputation that they could apply for Transition Fund money.




    That the deputation meet with the cabinet member for equalities and community engagement.


    Community representatives – Cycling and Transport Plan


    The cabinet received a deputation from community representatives concerning cycling provision in the Transport Plan.


    The deputation spokesperson Mr Donnachadh McCarthy highlighted concerns in respect of what appeared to be a departure from agreed policy.  It was felt by the deputation that the plan needed wider consultation with interested groups in the borough.  The deputation were seeking a deferment of the item to enable this to happen. 


    Mr McCarthy reported that the Southwark Cyclists had set up a sub-committee to look at the issue of cycling lanes and that Southwark Cyclist representatives would be attending the community council meetings.




    That the comments of the deputation be noted.  (see item 11 for further decision).


Reporting the outcome of statutory consultation on the proposed amalgamation of the Alma and St James CE Primary Schools and recommending the closure of Alma Primary School on 31 August 2011and the enlargement of St James CE Primary School from a 1 to a 2FE Primary School from September 1 2011

    To agree to the proposals contained in the statutory notice which will effect the amalgamation of Alma Primary School and St James CE Primary School, by the closure of Alma Primary School on 31 August 2011 and the enlargement of St James CE Primary School from 1 September 2011.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the proposals contained in the statutory notice which will effect the amalgamation of Alma Primary School and St James CE Primary School, by the closure of Alma Primary School on 31 August 2011 and the enlargement of St James CE Primary School from 1 September 2011 be agreed.


    2.  That authority be delegated to the head of property to agree terms for the disposal of an appropriate interest in the Alma school site in accordance with the provisions set out in the strategic director of communities, law and governance’s concurrent.


Voluntary Sector Day Services and Lunch Clubs and Community Support

    For cabinet to agree: 


    • To end council block contracts to voluntary sector open access day services/lunch clubs
    • To work intensively to embed the personal budget model for users of these services with eligible care and support needs by end August 2011 as an alternative means of income for organisations
    • To launch an innovation fund, where organisations can bid for funding to support transformation and the development of hubs and encourage future financial self-sustainability.
    • To implement proposals to decommission community support services for older people (information, advice, advocacy and befriending) from April 2012 and develop a new service specification that supports the objectives of maintaining independence.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the council contribution to voluntary sector open access day services/lunch clubs be reduced by ceasing block contracting arrangements and funding eligible individuals through personal budgets.


    2.  That officers work intensively to embed the personal budget model for users of these services with eligible care and support needs, as an alternative means of income for organisations, by end August 2011.


    3.  That an innovation fund be launched, where organisations can bid for funding to support transformation and the development of hubs and encourage future financial self-sustainability.


    4.  That agreement be given to the implementation of proposals to re-commission community support services for older people (information, advice, advocacy and befriending) from April 2012 by inviting bids against a revised service specification that supports the objectives of maintaining independence, health and wellbeing and effective personalised services.


Revenue Outturn Report 2010/11, including treasury management

    To approve budget movements and note budget activity.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the budget movements set out in Appendix A of the report be approved.


    2.  That the following be noted:


    ·  The general fund outturn for 2010/11

    ·  The release of £11.3m of reserves to support services and £1.7m for capital purposes

    ·  The overall net reduction in reserves of £2.5m, prior to technical adjustments

    ·  The favourable variance of £3.906m on the general fund which has been taken to the modernisation reserve

    ·  The favourable variance of £2.361m on the schools budget which has been taken to the dedicated schools grant reserve

    ·  The housing revenue account’s (HRA) outturn for 2010/11 and movement on reserves

    ·  The achievements of savings against the budgeted targets for the year

    ·  The collection fund’s year-end surplus balance

    ·  The treasury management activity for the year.


The Transport Plan 2011-16


Response to the Housing and Community Safety Sub-Committee's Review of Unfinished Security Works on Four Squares Estate

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    1.  To note and agree the response to the recommendations of the housing and community safety scrutiny sub-committee’s investigation into the unfinished security work on the Four Squares Estate.


    2.  To agree that the ongoing monitoring of action plan and progress takes place at the major works monitoring group chaired by the strategic director for housing services.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the response to the recommendations of the housing and community safety scrutiny sub-committee’s investigation into the unfinished security work on the Four Squares Estate be noted and agreed.


    2.  That the ongoing monitoring of the action plan and progress take place at the major works monitoring group chaired by the strategic director for housing services.


Southwark Antisocial Behaviour Strategy 2011-15

    To agree the draft Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) Strategy for Southwark 2011-2015.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the draft Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) Strategy for Southwark 2011-2015, as set out in appendix 1 of the report be approved.


    2.  That the recommendations outlined in the strategy under the five key commitments be approved.


    3.  That the changing national landscape in relation to antisocial behaviour, particularly in relation to the current Home Office proposals outlined in their consultation, ‘more effective responses to antisocial behaviour’ be noted. The consultation aims to streamline the number of tools and powers available for practitioners and could radically impact the way we manage antisocial behaviour locally. The outcome of the consultation is not expected until late 2011 and any legislative changes are not expected until early 2013.


Amendment to Strategic Management Arrangements

    To agree recommendations relating to the strategic management arrangements of the council.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the post of strategic director, regeneration and neighbourhoods, be deleted from the official establishment and the services transferred to deputy chief executive with immediate effect (except as in decision 2).  Any consequential structure changes will be approved under chief officer delegated authority after consultation with the appropriate cabinet member.


    2.  That community housing services transfers to the strategic director of housing services including the head of service post (and post-holder), and that this be fully incorporated into the management structure for the housing services department.


    3.  That as at 1 October 2012, the new arrangements be put in place for the management of adult social care, the health and wellbeing board and public health.


    4.  That the chief executive takes an overview of senior manager structures including minor reallocations of functions between departments or chief officersin furtherance of council aims laid out in the budget report approved in February 2011.


    5.  That final structures be approved under chief officer delegated authority after consultation with the cabinet members.


Southwark Council Representation on Potters Fields Park Management Trust

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    To agree two representatives of the council to sit on the Potters Fields Park Trust Management.

    Supporting documents:


    The chief executive, having declared an interest in this item, left the meeting room during consideration of the report.




    1.  That the background to the Potters Fields Park Trust and the Council’s representation on its Management Board be noted.


    2.  That the leader of the council and the chief executive be agreed as the two representatives of the Council to sit on the Potters Fields Park Trust Management Board.


    3.  That in future these appointments be included in the annual appointments to outside bodies report considered by cabinet.


42 Sharsted Street, SE17 - Disposal of Freehold interest


Gateway 1 - Procurement strategy approval for IT Managed Services

    To approve the procurement strategy outlined in the report which utilises the buying solution framework, to procure an IT Managed Service (ITMS).

    Supporting documents:




    Decisions of the Cabinet


    1.  That the procurement strategy outlined in the report which utilises the buying solution framework, to procure an IT managed service (ITMS) in line with contract standing order 3.3.2, with an anticipated duration of four to a maximum of seven years be approved.


    2.  That it be noted that additional information has been received from the current contractor (Serco) and officers immediately undertake an analysis of this information.


    Decisions of the Leader of the Council


    3.  That decision 2 above be noted and authority be delegated to the cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety to assess the additional information and, if appropriate, to agree an amendment to the procurement strategy.


Disposal of 19 Spa Road, Bermondsey, SE16


Sale of 15 Hampton Street, London SE1


Disposal of 9 Blenheim Grove, SE15

Exclusion of Press and Public



That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the gorunds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 and 5 of paragraph 10.4 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Southwark Constitution.


The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed section of the meeting.



    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the closed section of the meeting held on 21 June 2011.


The minutes of the closed section of the meeting held on 21 June 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


Gateway 1 - Procurement strategy approval for IT Managed Services


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 17 for decision.


Disposal of 19 Spa Road, Bermondsey, SE16


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 18 for decision.


Sale of 15 Hampton Street, London SE1

    To consider the closed information relating to the sale of 15 Hampton Street, London SE1.


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 19 for decision.


Disposal of 9 Blenheim Grove, SE15


The cabinet referred this item to the leader of the council for decision.