Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 21 June 2011 4.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Peckham Road, London SE5 8UB

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    All members were present.


Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


    The chair gave notice of a late deputation request received from a group of young people who wished to speak on the Teenage Pregnancy Commission report.


    Additionally, notice of the following additional paperwork circulated after the main agenda despatch was given as follows:


    • Officer comments on the deputation request from the Camberwell Baths campaign


    • Report from overview and scrutiny committee on the Council Plan


    • Additional advice from the deputy chief executive on the draft affordable housing supplementary planning document


    • Amended officer comments in respect of item 14 – ‘ A responsible approach’ – Southwark Dog Strategy


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any personal interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    Item 15 -  Livesey Museum update and options


    Councillors Catherine McDonald, Fiona Colley, Ian Wingfield and Richard Livingstone declared personal and non prejudicial interests as they were ‘Friends' of Livesey Museum.



Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

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    To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules.


    There were no public questions.




Deputation requests

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    To consider deputation requests received for this meeting.

    Supporting documents:


    Camberwell Baths Campaign


    The deputation made representations to the cabinet in respect of the proposed  allocation of funding for the refurbishment of the sports hall at Camberwell Baths. The deputation requested that capital funding for this work should be considered.


    The deputation tabled a document relating to the ‘sports hall refurbishment strategy report’  which set out the relevant detail.




    That the representations of the deputation and the comments of the strategic director of environment be noted.


Capital Programme 2010/11 Outturn report

    To note the outturn position for the 2010/11 for the general fund capital programme and the housing investment programme.


    To approve virements and funded variations to the general fund capital programme and the reprofiling of expenditure and resources into the 2011-19 general fund capital programme.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the outturn position for 2010/11 for the general fund capital programme including the overall position of the programme from 2010-19 (appendix A of the report) be noted.


    2.  That the outturn position for 2010/11 for the housing investment programme including the overall position of the programme from 2010-16 (appendix B of the report) be noted.


    3.  That the virements and funded variations to the general fund capital programme (appendix C of the report) be approved.


    4.  That the reprofiling of expenditure and resources into the 2011-19 general fund capital programme (appendix D of the report) be approved.





Capital Programme 2011-2021


Southwark Schools for the Future (SSF): Update to Cabinet and Delegation of Award of Contracts

    To note phase 2 of Southwark’s schools future within the affordability parameters previously approved by cabinet.


    To also note the outcome of the BSF legacy review and the current status of the BSF projects.



    Supporting documents:




    Decisions of the Cabinet


    1.  That it be noted that phase 2 of Southwark’s Schools for the Future (SSF) programme has reached financial close within the affordability parameters previously approved by cabinet (15 June 2010).


    2.  That the outcome of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Legacy Review and the current status of the BSF projects that were subject to that review be noted.


    3.  That the status of the New School Rotherhithe project and that a further report will be brought to cabinet in relation to proposals for the delivery of new places in Rotherhithe and the financial implications thereof be noted.


    4.  That it be noted that the Southwark Schools for the Future (SSF) Project Director will continue to work with children’s services, finance and resources, the schools, governing bodies & diocesan authorities to identify other budgets in order to minimise the necessary financial contribution from the council, in accordance with the executive decision 2 May 2007.


    Decisions of the Leader of the Council


    5.  That authority be delegated to the  cabinet member for children’s services in consultation with the strategic director of children’s services to approve the contract award for the contracts set out in table 2 of the report, subject to:


    ·  confirmation of funding from Partnerships for Schools;

    ·  the council’s financial contribution being within the parameters set out in table 4 of the report. 


    6.  That authority be delegated to the cabinet member for children’s services in consultation with the strategic director of children’s services to enter into the development agreements with the school counterpartiesset out in table 3 of the report.



Deputation request from a group of young people - Teenage Pregnancy Commission Outcomes and Recommendations

A group of young people attended the cabinet meeting to express their support for the work of the Teenage Pregnancy Commission and confirmed their input and contribution to its work.  Cabinet expressed their thanks for their efforts in this work.




That the representations of the deputation be noted.


Teenage Pregnancy Commission outcomes and recommendations

    To note the Teenage Pregnancy Commission’s report and consider the opportunities to actively support the implementation of the recommendations.

    Supporting documents:


    EsyOluwafemi, chair of the Teenage Pregnancy Commission presented their report to the cabinet.


    Cabinet expressed their thanks to Esy Oluwafemi for her hard work and contribution to the Commission.




    1.  That the report of the Teenage Pregnancy Commission and its recommendations, as described in Appendix 1 of the report and the opportunities to actively support the implementation of the recommendations across all cabinet portfolios be noted.


    2.  That the responsibility for developing an implementation plan and accompanying governance structures for the commission’s recommendations rest with the strategic director for children’s services, in consultation with the cabinet member for children’s services.


    3.  Cabinet notes the need for any future communications campaign to be balanced in its messages of delaying sex and pregnancy, and promoting the safe use of contraception, to ensure that young people are encouraged and supported to make positive choices.



Council Plan


Medium Term Resources Strategy 2011/12-2013/14


Re-provision of Library including a resource centre for Camberwell


'A Responsible Approach' - Southwark Dog Strategy 2011- 2014


Livesey Museum update and options

    To instruct officers to re-open the search for an alternative user for the building within the Objects of the Trust and to report back to cabinet on the outcomes of this search and the options for the way forward.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That officers be instructed to re-open the search for an alternative user for the building within the Objects of the Trust, with the requirements that:


    ·  Proposals must meet the original objectives of the Trust, i.e. a free public library or any other objectives of an educational or cultural nature


    ·  Proposals must be financially viable with secure and robust revenue arrangements as well as funding for any associated capital works that schemes may require


    2.  That officers report back to cabinet on the outcomes of the search for an alternative user and options for the way forward.



Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document


Authorisation of Debt Write-offs over £50,000 for National Non Domestic Rates - Revenues & Benefits Service


Disposal of Site 19 Elephant and Castle

    To enter into an agreement to transfer part of the existing leisure centre to Lend Lease on the principal terms set out in this report.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the council enters into an agreement to transfer part (parcel B on the accompanying plan to the report) of the existing leisure centre to Lend Lease or their nominated company (Elephant and Castle) Ltd (“LL”) on the principal terms set out in the closed version of the report.


    2.  That the head of property be authorised to agree the detailed terms of the agreement for lease and subsequent lease or if appropriate freehold transfer.


    3.  That in accordance with section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 the land shown edged on the plan at the appendix to the report is appropriated from the purpose of leisure to planning purposes and in particular purposes set out in section 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.



Improved terms for the sale of sites A and B at Canada Water


Combined Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy - Approval and Gateway 2 contract extension award for three parking and traffic enforcement contracts


Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy Approval - Supply of gas to sites consuming less than 25,000 therms

    To approve the procurement strategy for the supply of gas to sites consuming less than 25,000 therms.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the  procurement strategy outlined in the report for the supply of gas to all sites consuming less than 25,000 therms at an estimated value outlined in the closed version of the report be approved.


    2.  That the  use of a Consortium to award the supply of gas to all sites consuming less than 25,000 therms for a four year period from October 2012 be approved.


    3.  That the evaluation of the two buying consortia for the award of the contract proposed in the report, namely LASER and Buying Solutions be approved.




Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy Approval - Supply of gas to sites consuming more than 25,000 therms


Appointments to Outside Bodies 2011/12

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    To consider and agree appointments to outside bodies for the 2011/12 municipal year.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That appointments to the outside bodies for 2011/12 set out in appendix A be agreed as follows:


    Age Concern London


    Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle


    Better Bankside Board


    Councillor Adele Morris


    Browning Estate Management Board


    Councillor Martin Seaton

    Councillor Darren Merrill

    Two officer representatives


    Canada Water Consultative Forum


    Councillor Fiona Colley

    Councillor Michael Situ

    Councillor Paul Noblet

    Councillor Wilma Nelson


    Central London Forward


    Councillor Peter John


    Centre for Language in Primary Education


    Councillor Catherine McDonald


    Creation Trust (The New Aylesbury Trust Limited)


    Councillor Fiona Colley

    Councillor Dan Garfield

    Councillor Abdul Mohamed


    Cross River Board


    Councillor Fiona Colley


    Crystal Palace Community Development Trust


    Councillor Lewis Robinson


    Cycling England (Member Champion for Cycling)


    Councillor Abdul Mohamed


    Greater London Enterprise Limited


    Councillor Fiona Colley


    Green Chain Joint Committee


    Councillor Barrie Hargrove

    Councillor Victoria Mills


    Groundwork Borough Steering Group


    Councillor Barrie Hargrove

    Councillor Mark Glover

    Councillor James Barber

    Councillor Toby Eckersely


    Groundwork South London Sub-Regional Sub-Committee


    Councillor Barrie Hargrove


    Guys and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Council of Governors


    Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle


    Lambeth and Southwark Housing Association Limited


    Councillor Ian Wingfield


    Lee Valley Regional Park Authority


    Councillor Veronica Ward


    Local Government Association (LGA) Urban Commission


    Councillor Peter John (3 votes)

    Councillor Anood Al-Samerai (2 votes)


    London Accident Prevention Council (LPAC)


    Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle

    1 vacancy


    London Youth Games Limited


    Councillor Veronica Ward

    Councillor Catherine McDonald (deputy)


    North Southwark Environment Trust


    Councillor Barrie Hargrove


    South Bank Partnership


    Councillor Fiona Colley

    Councillor Geoffrey Thornton

    Councillor Adele Morris

    Councillor David Noakes



    South Bank and Bankside Cultural Quarter Directors Board


    Councillor Veronica Ward


    South London Gallery Trustee Limited


    Councillor Darren Merrill

    Councillor Catherine Bowman

    Councillor Robin Crookshank-Hilton


    South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Trust Members Council


    Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle


    Southwark and Lambeth Archaeological Excavation Committee (SLAEC)


    Councillor Darren Merrill

    Bob Skelly (deputy)


    Southwark Cathedral Education Centre


    Councillor Cleo Soanes


    Southwark Community Leisure Ltd. (Fusion) Management Board


    Councillor Veronica Ward

    Councillor Columba Blango

    Councillor Michael Mitchell


    Southwark Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Trans (LGBT) Forum


    Councillor Catherine McDonald

    Councillor Abdul Mohamed

    Councillor Mark Gettleson


    Southwark Police and Community Consultative Group


    Councillor Althea Smith

    Councillor Cleo Soanes

    Councillor Kevin Ahern

    Councillor Mark Williams

    Councillor Martin Seaton

    Councillor Linda Manchester

    Councillor Eliza Mann

    Councillor Michael Bukola

    Councillor Poddy Clark

    Councillor Lewis Robinson


    Team London Bridge


    Councillor Mark Gettleson





    Waterloo Quarter Business Alliance – Southwark (Business Improvement District)


    Councillor David Noakes




    2.  That Southwark Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) and thematic boards (Appendix B of the report) for which cabinet member involvement is required be noted.



Nominations to Panels, Boards and Forums 2011/12

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    To agree the allocation of places to the panels, boards and forums for the 2011/12 municipal year and ton nominate members accordingly.

    Supporting documents:




    1.  That the allocation of places to the panels, boards and forums set out in appendix A of the report for the 2011/12 municipal year be agreed and members nominated as follows:


    Adoption Panel


    Councillor Althea Smith


    Admissions Forum


    Councillor Catherine McDonald

    Councillor Adele Morris


    Fostering Panel


    Councillor Victoria Mills


    Joint Partnership Panel (Trade-Union Consultation)


    Councillor Peter John

    Councillor Richard Livingstone


    Leaseholders Arbitration Panel


    Councillor Althea Smith

    Councillor Right Reverend Emmanuel Oyewole

    Councillor Norma Gibbes

    Councillor Mark Glover

    Councillor Martin Seaton

    Councillor Victoria Mills

    Councillor Andy Simmons

    Councillor Wilma Nelson

    Councillor Poddy Clark

    Councillor Eliza Mann

    Councillor Jeff Hook

    Councillor Tim McNally

    Councillor Michael Bukola

    Councillor Linda Manchester

    Councillor Geoffrey Thornton


    Pensions Advisory Panel


    Councillor Richard Livingstone

    Councillor Tim McNally

    Councillor Toby Eckersley


    Secure Accommodation Panel


    Councillor Patrick Diamond

    Councillor Helen Morrissey (reserve)

    Councillor Lisa Rajan

    Councillor Wilma Nelson (reserve)


    Southwark Safeguarding Children’s Board


    Councillor Catherine McDonald


    Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education


    Councillor Cleo Soanes

    Councillor Right Reverend Emmanuel Oyewole

    Councillor Columba Blango

    Councillor Poddy Clark


    Tenancy Agreement Arbitration Panel


    Councillor Althea Smith

    Councillor Right Reverend Emmanuel Oyewole

    Councillor Rowena Davis

    Councillor Norma Gibbes

    Councillor Helen Morrissey

    Councillor Mark Williams

    Councillor Mark Glover

    Councillor Victoria Mills

    Councillor Andy Simmons

    Councillor Wilma Nelson

    Councillor Poddy Clark

    Councillor Eliza Mann

    Councillor Jeff Hook

    Councillor Tim McNally

    Councillor Michael Bukola

    Councillor Linda Manchester

    Councillor Geoffrey Thornton


    Tenants Management Organisation Liaison Committee


    Councillor Claire Hickson

    Councillor Darren Merrill

    Councillor Tim McNally

    Councillor Geoffrey Thornton


    2.  That Councillor Richard Livingstone be appointed as the chair of the Pensions Advisory Panel and Councillor Tim McNally vice-chair.


Exclusion of Press and Public



That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 and 5 of paragraph 10.4 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Southwark Constitution.


The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed section of the meeting.




The minutes of the closed section of the meeting held on 17 May 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


Authorisation of Debt Write-offs over £50,000 for National Non Domestic Rates - Revenues & Benefits Service


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 17 for decision.


Disposal of Site 19 Elephant and Castle


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 18 for decision.



Improved terms for the sale of sites A and B at Canada Water


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 19 for decision.



Combined Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy - Approval and Gateway 2 contract extension award for three parking and traffic enforcement contracts


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 20 for decision.



Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy Approval - Supply of gas to sites consuming less than 25,000 therms


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 21 for decision.



Gateway 1 Procurement Strategy Approval - Supply of gas to sites consuming more than 25,000 therms


The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this report. See item 22 for decision.