Issue - meetings

Capital monitoring provisional outturn report

Meeting: 29/09/2009 - Executive (Item 22)

22 Capital Programme 2008-09 Outturn Report

To note the outturn position for 2008-09 for the capital programme 2008 – 2016 for both the General Fund and Housing Investment Programme and approve the reprofiling of spend and resources into the 2009 – 2016 programme.


To note the new emerging pressures on the capital programme arising from issues of service demands, the recession and the impact on the pace of regeneration schemes.


To agree a substitution of a scheme at Goose Green School for that currently programmed for Heber School within the Sure Start funded Children’s Centre Programme and to note additional capital funding secured for the Burgess Park Revitalisation Project and to agree to the project being added in to the Capital Programme 2009-2016.


To note the allocation of funds remaining from the original capital allocation for Leisure Centres for Seven Islands, Camberwell Leisure Centre and Southwark Park Athletics Stadium.

Supporting documents:
