Issue - meetings

Policy and Resources: Revenue Monitoring report Month 4 2024-25

Meeting: 16/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Policy and Resources: Revenue Monitoring Report 2024-25

To note the forecast revenue out-turn position.

Supporting documents:




That the following be noted:


1.  The housing revenue account (HRA) initial forecast of an adverse variance of £10.1m, acknowledging the volatility and assumptions that this forecast is based on the adverse variance of £12.9m forecast for the general fund (GF) in 2024-25.


The key adverse variations and budget pressures and mitigating actions underlying the position:


·  Housing revenue account (paragraphs 14-30 of the report)

·  General fund (paragraphs 31-84 of the report)

·  Demand pressures in temporary accommodation (TA) (housing)

·  Increased costs for those who have ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ (NRPF) (environment neighbourhoods and growth) 

·  Increased costs in children services driven by the increased placement costs for children with complex needs and shortage of available foster placements (children’s and adults)

·  Planning and growth – less than expected income and cost of maintaining void properties (finance)

·  Customer services – Additional resources into the contact centre to address capacity issues (finance)


2.  The dedicated schools grant (DSG) in-year pressure of £0.68m.


That the following be approved:


3.  The write-off of a bad debt totaling £0.140m for a commercial outdoor event which is deemed to be irrecoverable (paragraph 67 of the report).