Issue - meetings

Local Community Infrastructure Levy

Meeting: 16/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Allocation of Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Funding

To approve the priorities and process for local community infrastructure levy funding allocation

Supporting documents:





Decisions by the Cabinet


1.  That minor changes to the existing process that will allow for allocations of funding collected as neighbourhood community infrastructure levy through the planning process as set out in paragraphs 18 to 23 of the report be agreed. In summary this process will result in project allocations of funding in the ward or neighbourhood in which the funding is generated, assessment of project allocation against Southwark 2030 goals, a minimum level of project funding and a streamlined approval process where local priorities are already agreed.


2.  That it be noted that a report setting out a draft revised neighbourhood community infrastructure levy allocation process will be presented to cabinet in March 2025 prior to consultation and adoption in September 2025.


3.  That the minor amendments in the table at paragraph 17 of the report be noted. An updated version of the table was circulated and published.


Decision by the Leader of the Council


4.  That the executive scheme of delegation be varied to delegate authority to the cabinet member for new homes and sustainable development to approve individual neighbourhood community infrastructure levy projects for a year in accordance with the framework set out in paragraphs 18 to 23 of the report.