Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Strategy and Capital Update

Meeting: 05/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Policy and Resources: Budget Setting 2024-25

To note issues associated with the policy and resources, budget setting and agree recommendations.

Supporting documents:


It was not possible to circulate the report five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent because the council were committed to publishing budget proposals at the earliest possible opportunity to ensure that they were available to the public for comments and questions. Presenting the report to cabinet on 5 December 2023 gave the opportunity for debate prior to presentation of budget figures to February cabinet. Under the council’s constitution, there is a requirement for the overview and scrutiny committee to review and challenge budget proposals and this is due to take place in January 2024.




That the following be noted:


1.  The updates from the autumn statement delivered on the 22 November 2023 and the budget challenge process.


2.  The updated budget gap for 2024-25 of £6.7m; and for the following 2 years £4.5m and £4.6m respectively.


3.  The proposed options to help achieve a balanced 2024-25 budget and indicative savings for 2025-26 and 2026-27 together with departmental narratives (Appendices A to E of the report).


4.  Appendix F of the report which details the draft fees and charges schedules.


5.  Strategic directors will continue to work with their respective cabinet members to find additional savings option.


6.  The intention is to prepare a balanced one year 2024-25 budget, together with indicative savings for the following two years, for recommendation by cabinet, in advance of approval by council assembly in February 2024.


7.  Equality impact assessments are ongoing and that a cumulative impact assessment will be presented to cabinet as part of the budget update in February.


8.  Officers will undertake further consultation for new budget options where necessary or appropriate.


9.  The appendices A-F will be considered by the overview and scrutiny committee on 22 January 2024, prior to February 2024 cabinet.


That the following be approved:


10.  The write-off of one NNDR debt of £292,849.08 which is irrecoverable (Appendix G) of the report.