16 Streets for People
To note actions to deliver the council ambition for healthier neighbourhoods, cleaner air, thriving town centres and safer roads by providing opportunities for active travel and improving streets in the borough.
Supporting documents:
1. That the need to take further action to deliver the council ambition for healthier neighbourhoods, cleaner air, thriving town centres and safer roads by providing opportunities for active travel and improving streets in the borough through council wide policies be noted.
2. That it be noted that a comprehensive programme of community engagement will be delivered to ensure residents have an opportunity to inform the design and use of roads in their neighbourhoods.
3. That it be noted that this programme will commence with the launch of the consultation process on Southwark’s Sustainable Transport Strategy (previously referenced as The Movement Plan).
4. That the timetable for all subsequent local area based consultative processes, required to deliver the council ambition for healthier neighbourhoods, cleaner air, thriving town centres and safer roads, to be brought to cabinet early in the New Year be noted.