13 Gateway 2 - Contract Award Community Reablement Service
To approve the award of a contract for community reablement provision.
Supporting documents:
1. That the award of a contract for community re-ablement provision to MiHomecare Limited to deliver an estimated 1,400 hours per week for a period of three (3) years from 1 June 2022 with an option to extend for a further two (2) years (1+1) for an estimated maximum annual contract value of £1.4m and a whole life contract value of £7m be approved.
2. That it be noted that the current contract expires on the 4 January 2022 and approval will be sought via a Gateway 3 contract variation report for the extension of the current contract for a further 5 months to cover the period until the new contract starts on the 1 June 2022, and that an internal occupational therapist assistant (OTAs) team has been established to work alongside the successful provider.