Issue - meetings

Southwark Stands Together Programme

Meeting: 08/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Southwark Stands Together Programme

To review programme of work and agree recommendations arising and next step/ action. 

Supporting documents:


It was not possible to circulate this report five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent because a detailed roadmap setting out key actions, measures and metrics is planned to come to cabinet on 20 October 2020. It was therefore important, in maintaining pace on action and onward engagement, that cabinet agreed the emerging work stream recommendations in advance of that time; this was first available cabinet to receive those recommendations.




1.  That Southwark Stands Together will be a long-term programme of positive action, education and initiatives for the council to work in solidarity with Southwark’s communities and the council’s staff to tackle racism, injustice and inequality.


2.  That residents, staff and the wider community are thanked for taking part in the surveys and listening exercises so far.


3.  That it be agreed that the council will be actively anti-racist in all that we do, and the emerging recommendations (Appendix 1 of the report), which have arisen out of the engagement events held with staff and the community, will be integrated into the refreshed council plan process.


4.  That the initial findings from the survey and listening exercises be noted and that further analysis is underway with an update provided to cabinet in October 2020. 


5.  That it be agreed to develop a roadmap and action plan with measures and metrics to deliver the Southwark Stands Together programme and officers be instructed to present this to cabinet in October 2020.


6.  That it be agreed that any wider resourcing implications for the council associated with next step delivery are appropriately assessed through the council’s policy and resources strategy process.


7.  That any future action plan is subject to regular monitoring and review and reported at least annually to cabinet.