11 Elephant and Castle Bakerloo Line Extension
To approve an additional capital budget of £7,500,000 to the council’s capital programme to safeguard the construction of the station box.
Supporting documents:
1. That an additional capital budget of £7,500,000 to the council’s capital programme to safeguard the future provision for the Bakerloo Line Extension: to the proposed new Northern line ticket hall and station box to provide an integrated interchange, as detailed in the report, be approved.
2. That it be noted that the Transport for London Investment Group has confirmed a matching funding contribution of £7,500,000 towards the scheme.
Elephant and Castle Underground Station and Bakerloo Line extension
This item has been deferred until January 2020 cabinet meeting.
This item was deferred.
That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 of paragraph 10.4 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Constitution.
The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed part of the meeting.