Issue - meetings

Gateway 1: Procurement strategy approval - contractor services for the delivery of Sceaux Gardens

Meeting: 12/12/2017 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 Sceaux Gardens New Homes Delivery Programme

To agree the rationale and proposal to develop the properties 1-15 Florian, 1-18 Racine and the garage site adjacent to the Colbert block and allocation issues  in respect of the Sceaux Gardens New Homes delivery programme.

Supporting documents:




1.  That the rationale and proposal to redevelop the properties 1-15 Florian, 1-18 Racine and the garage site adjacent to the Colbert block; “The development site” as outlined in the report be agreed.


2.  That the rehousing options and local lettings policy for council tenants of Florian and Racine displaced by the redevelopment outlined in paragraphs 61-64 of the report be agreed and that the detailed commitment to support affected vulnerable council tenants throughout the project be noted.


3.  That the acquisition of freehold interests in accordance with statutory guidance and established council policy as outlined in paragraphs 65-73 of the report be agreed, including specified discretionary home loss, basic loss and disturbance payments.


4.  That the package of options to be offered to qualifying residents of Sceaux Gardens Estate council homeowners displaced by the redevelopment as set out in paragraphs 65 – 73 of the report be agreed.


5.  That the creation of the Sceaux Gardens development programme as an approved scheme for the purposes of delegation in relation to freehold acquisitions as outlined in paragraph 73 of the report be agreed.


6.  That the authority be agreed to serve demolition notices in accordance with Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985 (as amended) referenced in paragraph 74 of the report.


7.  That the allocation of funds to undertake freehold acquisition, home and basic loss payments and disturbance payments be confirmed and that the cost of decommissioning the development site  be met through the council’s Affordable Housing Fund as outlined in paragraphs 80-82 of the report.


8.  That that the formal consultation undertaken with affected tenants, homeowners and the wider estate community throughout the process in accordance with Section 105 of the Housing Act 1985 and the council’s Charter of Principles as outlined in paragraphs 28-50 of the report be noted.


9.  That the outcome of an equalities impact assessment attached as Appendix 2 and summarised within paragraph 77 of the report, that demonstrates the impact of the proposal and relevant mitigation in relation to the Equality Act 2010 and the council’s Public Sector Equality Duty be noted.


10.  That the approach undertaken with regard to the construction phasing of the development proposal to maximise the local lettings offer and minimise disruption to existing residents, neighbouring businesses and organisations in paragraphs 51-52 of the report be noted.


11.  That the two options for the massing and layout of the ground floor units of the Racine block as set out in paragraphs 53-58 and Appendix 3 of the report be noted and that option 2 be agreed.


12.  That the next steps and indicative timeline for the programme as outlined in paragraphs 83-85 of the report be agreed.