Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account: Review of Direct charges for Garages, Store Sheds and Parking

Meeting: 07/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Housing Revenue Account - Proposed Increases in Garage Charges for 2017-18

To consider recommendations in respect of garage charges.

Supporting documents:


The report had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent, because the report could not be delayed, as it formed part of the HRA budget setting process, which requires the HRA to have a balanced budget set before the start of the financial year, and for statutory rent notifications to be issued to tenants 28 days before any variation is implemented.  



1.  That an increase in the standard and concessionary garage rents of £1 per week, to £19.62 and £14.62 respectively be approved. That an increase of £0.50 per week for small sites currently charged at £10 per week and no increase for small sites currently charged £5 per week also be approved.

2.  That an increase in the private sector rent of £5 per week to £32.50 be approved.

3.  That the ongoing planned maintenance programme to refurbish closed and empty garages be noted.

4.  That a further report be provided to the cabinet member for housing during 2017-18 assessing the potential to zone private sector rents based on proximity to public transport links, with the potential to charge in excess of £32.50 for more accessible locations.

5.  That officers carry out a borough-wide garage review to assess usage and opportunities for the garage portfolio. That the recommendations in the report titled “Achieving 500 New Affordable Business and Creative Spaces by 2018” which is on the same agenda be noted.

6.  That the proposed budget mitigation measure to fund the revenue shortfall arising from the revised fee increase from the HRA contingency budget, as set out in the report, be approved.