Issue - meetings

Summary view of responses to the Lambeth & Southwark Early Action Commission

Meeting: 31/03/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 6)

6 Summary view of responses to the Lambeth & Southwark Early Action Commission

To note the responses from the Council, Community Action Southwark and the Southwark NHS Clinical Commissioning Group to the recommendations of the Lambeth & Southwark Early Action Commission report.

Supporting documents:


Stephen Douglass, Director of Communities introduced the report.




1.  That the responses from the Council, Community Action Southwark and the Southwark NHS Clinical Commissioning Group to the recommendations of the Lambeth & Southwark Early Action Commission be noted and the Commission be thanked for its work.


2.  That the recommendation for board members to commit to working towards a cultural shift in their organisations to deliver the ambitions of the Early Action Commission be agreed.


3.  That a progress report be submitted to the board in 12 months.