11 Primary and Secondary School Place Planning Strategy Update
To note the updated forecasts of primary school reception places and demand for year 7 secondary school places in the borough.
To agree to phase the expansion of Ivydale primary school to occur in two stages.
Supporting documents:
Councillors Victoria Mills and Fiona Colley withdrew from the meeting while this item was being discussed.
1. That the updated forecasts of primary school reception places be noted.
2. That formal consultation on the expansion of Rotherhithe Primary School from 2 forms of entry to 3 forms of entry be commenced.
3. That the expansion of Ivydale Primary School be phased to occur in two stages – for 90 to be admitted to reception in September 2016, and 120 in September 2017.
4. That the updated forecast of demand for year 7 secondary school places in the borough and the steps being taken by officers to assist and facilitate appropriate expansions of existing secondary schools in Southwark be noted.
5. That the engagement with the Education Funding Agency on site(s) for a north of the borough secondary school be noted.
6. That discussions taking place with both Southwark’s Diocesan Boards on potential for expansion of diocesan schools in the north of the borough be noted.
7. That the potential shortfall of places in planning area 1 (Borough, Bankside and Walworth) from 2018/19 onwards be noted, and that plans will be brought forward to address this within the year.