12 Progress Update on the Council's Housing Investment Plans
To note the housing investment plan progress update and agree a detailed affordable funding plan to support housing investment in new council homes.
Supporting documents:
That the following be noted:
1. The housing investment plan progress update.
2. That progress has been made to increase borrowing headroom within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to £176.2m.
3. The response from the Futures Steering Board on the council’s housing investment plans at Appendix 3. Cabinet thanked them for their detailed and thoughtful contribution.
That the following be agreed:
4. That the council determine a detailed affordable funding plan to support housing investment in new council homes and the existing stock to include the utilisation of all relevant council receipts, commuted sums and revenue contributions, as well as additional borrowing within the available headroom within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).
5. For the production of a HRA asset management strategy for consultation with residents.
6. To explore the potential for development of intermediate housing products through the Southwark Housing Company to meet strategic needs and to make a financial contribution to the housing investment programme.
7. A further progress update on the ongoing consultation is brought back to November cabinet on the outcome of that exercise.