Issue - meetings

A new approach to Healthchecks in Southwark

Meeting: 27/01/2015 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Gateway 1 - A New Approach to Healthchecks in Lambeth and Southwark

To note the outcome of a joint review of healthchecks carried out across Lambeth and Southwark and to approve the procurement strategy to undertake a competitive tender to commission a Lambeth and Southwark healthchecks delivery hub.

Supporting documents:




1.  That the outcome of a joint review of healthchecks which was carried out across Lambeth and Southwark (as set out in Appendix 1 of the report), including work to ensure a doubling of healthchecks in Southwark, be noted.


2.  That a memorandum of understanding agreement with Lambeth Council be entered into for the purposes of entering into a joint commissioning agreement for healthchecks, with Southwark Council acting as the lead commissioning borough.


3.  That the procurement strategy outlined in the report, to undertake a competitive tender to commission a Lambeth and Southwark healthchecks delivery hub at an estimated contract value of £1.5m for a term of three years from December 2015, with provision to extend the contract for two further periods of one year, making a total estimated contract value of £2.5m, be approved.