13 Housing Revenue Account - Final Rent-Setting and Budget Report 2015/16
To approve a rent increase of 2.2% to be applied to all housing revenue account dwellings with effect from 6 April 2015 and instruct officers to set rents for newly-let existing stock from 6 April 2015 at a target level for that property. To approve increases in the estate cleaning, grounds maintenance, communal lighting and door entry maintenance charges by 2.2% and increases in charges for non-residential property by 2.2%, with effect from 6 April 2015. To set heating and hot water charges and sheltered housing charges at the same level 2014/15.
Supporting documents:
Feedback from consultation meetings including tenants’ council was circulated at the cabinet meeting (Appendix F).
2. That officers be instructed to set rents for newly-let existing stock from 6 April 2015 (paragraphs 22 – 26 of the report) at the target level for that property, calculated and inflated using central government methodology, with the proviso that exemptions are to be granted where circumstances necessitate a move.
3. That increases in the estate cleaning, grounds maintenance, communal lighting and door entry maintenance charges by 2.2% as laid out in paragraph 27 of the report with effect from 6 April 2015 be approved.
4. That there be no increased charges for non-residential properties and that officers be instructed to find a compensatory measure to balance the budget.
5. That heating and hot water charges be set at the same level as 2014/15 as laid out in paragraph 29 of the report with effect from 6 April 2015.
6. That the sheltered housing charges be set at the same level as 2014/15 as laid out in paragraph 30 with effect from 6 April 2015.
7. That water and sewerage charges levied by Thames Water are liable to an inflationary uplift as set out at paragraph 31, but as yet the council has not been informed by Thames Water of what that increase will be, be noted.