Issue - meetings

Developing long term plans for the delivery of new council homes

Meeting: 28/01/2014 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Developing Long Term Plans for the Delivery of New Council Homes

To note the new homes housing investment plan report independently prepared and its conclusions and the ongoing development of a new long term housing strategy and local plan for the borough that will support delivery of the investment plan. To also instruct the strategic director of housing and community services to further develop the investment plan.

Supporting documents:




1.  That the New Homes Housing Investment Plan report independently prepared by Savills UK (Appendix 1 of the report) and in particular the conclusions of that report and the suggested next steps set out at paragraph 8 of the report be noted.


2.  That the ongoing development of a new long term housing strategy and local plan for the borough that will support delivery of the investment plan be noted.


3.  That officers be instructed to further develop the investment plan and take appropriate action to build up the necessary development capacity to deliver the plan, reporting back to cabinet in July 2014.