Issue - meetings

Community Annoucements

Meeting: 26/02/2013 - Borough, Bankside and Walworth Community Council (Item 7)

Community Announcements

  • SHP Tenancy Support


  • Community streets - Liverpool Grove


  • East Walworth Neighbourhood Watch - David Martin


  • Safer Neighbourhoods Team update


  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – charging structure consultation


If you have a community announcement please email details to before the meeting.




The following community announcements were made:


Borough, Bankside and Walworth Youth Community Council

Kirsty and Thamina from the youth community council attend the meeting to announce the projects there were recommending for funding from the community restoration fund (youth element). They had received 33 applications totalling £140,000 and had £23,000 to allocate. Kirsty and Thamina explained that this was the first task of the newly formed youth community council. The youth community council were making the following recommendation for funding:


  • Southwark Sea Cadets (Drum & Bugle) £400
  • KissKiss London/ Penrose Youth Club £3,000
  • David Idowu Foundation £3,000
  • Capoeira Foundation £2,500
  • Southwark Salvation Army Young Peoples Services £3,000
  • LB+Peer to Peer Forum Theatre £410
  • Borough Music School £2,500
  • Better Bankside £3,500
  • Colombo Centre £3,500
  • Inspire £2,000


Louise Doherty, Southwark Youth Service, encouraged young people to get involved with the youth community council which met every other Thursday at 5.30pm-7pm. She encouraged community council attendees to spread the word to any young people they knew who might be interested and she could be contacted by email


Community Streets

Jack Ricketts, Transport Planner, informed the meeting of a public consultation for traffic improvements on Liverpool Grove which included proposals for a experimental road closure on Lytham Street. Jack had brought plans and consultation leaflets to the meeting and advised residents he was available to speak to in the break.


Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Juliet Seymour, planning policy, informed the meeting that the third stage of consultation on CIL was about to close. CIL was a new levy charged to developers for new homes and buildings which would replace Section 106. Juliet was available to speak to at the break if residents wanted more information.


Alcohol Anonymous (AA)

Tom from AA asked residents if they knew of any notice boards in the community where AA posters could be displayed – he informed people he would be available in the break if people could help. Tom added that AA was a self supporting group which didn’t charge fees, there were approximately 28 meetings a week taking place in Southwark more information was available at


East Walworth Neighbourhood Watch

David Martin from the Peabody Estate off the Rodney Road asked councillors to request that funds from developers were made available to the estates impacted by developments to lessen the impact of construction works for example for double glazing for ground floor residents. David invited residents to attend a meeting on 21 March to discuss neighbourhood watch projects in the area.


Rev Graham Shaw

The chair announced that Revered Graham Shaw would be retiring after 35 years service in the borough. He invited the meeting to thank Graham for all his hard work and wished him well in the future.


Safer Neighbourhoods Team

Richard Barton gave an update on local policing teams – a new structure was planned which would potentially result in 8 officers in the area on 16 hour shift patterns working across the 5 wards in the community council area. The priorities across  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7