Issue - meetings

Centre of Excellence for Older Adults with Dementia and Complex Needs

Meeting: 17/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Centre of Excellence for Older Adults with Dementia and Complex Needs

To note the response and engagement from the family carers, stakeholders and staff to the plans for the proposed Centre of Excellence and the decision taken by the cabinet member for health, adult social care and equalities to recognise the outcome of the feasibility work.

Supporting documents:




1.  That the very positive response and engagement from the family carers, stakeholders and staff to the plans for the proposed Centre of Excellence for older people living with dementia and complex needs to be on the ground floor of Cator Street Resource Centre be noted.


2.  That the decision taken by the cabinet member for health, adult social care and equalities to recognise the outcome of this further feasibility work which concluded that the site and location of Cator Street was a suitable location for the Centre of Excellence, and her subsequent approval of the preferred location for the development of the Centre of Excellence be noted.