9 Local Welfare Provision - Southwark Emergency Support Scheme, Review October 2013
To note the findings of the review of Southwark’s emergency support scheme and to agree to retain the existing provision for the period up until 31 March 2014.
Supporting documents:
1. That the findings of the review of Southwark’s Emergency Support scheme be noted and it be agreed that the existing provision be retained for the period up until 31 March 2014.
2. That the existing model of support be continued by developing the ongoing relationship with Community Action Southwark and a further review be undertaken in April 2014 in the order to assess future funding requirements with a report to be delivered to cabinet by June 2014.
3. That officers continue to keep under review referrals to the scheme made by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) arising from changes in policy and the subsequent impact on the council’s budget.
4. That the strategic director of finance and corporate services set aside any unspent balances from this years scheme for welfare and hardship needs and reports these to cabinet in future monitoring reports.