Issue - meetings

Top management structure 2012-14

Meeting: 15/05/2012 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Amendment to Strategic Management Arrangements

To consider a proposed new strategic management structure.

Supporting documents:




1.  That as at 1 October 2012, the posts of strategic director, health & community services, strategic director of communities, law and governance and deputy chief executive be deleted.


2.  That the existing posts of strategic director, children’s services and finance director be renamed strategic director, children’s & adults’ services and strategic director corporate services respectively. These posts (along with the chief executive) will subsume the majority of services from those departments in recommendation 1 and subsume the relevant statutory roles, other than the monitoring officer.


3.  That as at 1 October 2012, 2 x posts of assistant director of finance be deleted and a new post of head of service for resources be created. 


4.  That the appointments committee is formed to make recommendations to council assembly on new appointments to head of paid service and monitoring officer in accordance with the constitution. Council assembly will be asked to approve the redesignation of the section 151 officer (strategic director corporate services) and monitoring officer (head of legal services).


5.  That it be noted that all chief officer posts are contractually inter-changeable; therefore placement of function and post-holders otherwise be delegated to the head of paid service in accordance with the Council’s policy and procedures. Similarly, the statutory function of the electoral registration officer will be subsumed within one of the chief officer posts, to be determined by the head of paid service.