Issue - meetings

Sheltered housing service re-modelling

Meeting: 24/01/2012 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Sheltered Housing Service Re-modelling

To consider options available to the council as a result of the proposed loss of supporting people funding, following reductions in council funding as part of the government’s comprehensive spending review.

Supporting documents:




1.  That the proposal to consult on the introduction of a service charge for sheltered housing as a result of the proposed loss of supporting people funding, following reductions in council funding as part of the government’s comprehensive spending round be noted.


2.  That tenants be consulted on the proposal to make a service charge for the sheltered housing service, and on the options available for future provision of a service for sheltered tenants, using an enhanced housing management model, and based on one of the three models set out below:


Option 1 – Restructure of current service model (service hubs call out and warden visiting service).  This would involve a landlord service charge to tenants of £21.91 p/w. 


Option 2 – Reduced service model (call out) based on a call out emergency response service only.  This would involve a basic landlord service charge to tenants of £6.68 p/w. 


Option 3– Enhanced service model (resident warden) based on an on site warden available Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm each day.  This would involve a landlord service charge to tenants of £32.70 p/w. This was confirmed as cabinet’s preferred option.


3.  That the cost of the transitional protection for existing tenants who are not eligible for housing benefit be met from the saving from adult social care budgets and that any new arrangements be put in place from April 2013.


4.  That a review be carried out to consider the conversion of part of the council’s sheltered housing stock to extra care provision.


5.  That the sheltered stock be subject to an updated options appraisal, especially as demand for both sheltered and extra care housing has increased significantly in recent years. The results of the appraisal will be subject to a further review and are likely to require cabinet input in deciding upon the longer term future of the stock.