Issue - meetings

Four Squares estate: option appraisal

Meeting: 20/03/2012 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Four Squares Estate Options Appraisal

To consider the findings of the Four Squares options appraisal.  

Supporting documents:


The following additional information was circulated in respect of this item:


·  Feedback from residents consultation on the preferred option survey

·  Supplemental comments from the strategic director of communities, law and governance

·  Officer amendments to paragraph 70 of the report.


Cabinet heard representations from ward councillors, Councillors Anood Al-Sameri and Eliza Mann in respect of this item.




1.  That the findings of the Four Squares options appraisal be noted.


2.  That approval be given for work to continue to implement a scheme of enhanced refurbishment to all blocks described as option 3 within the report, to run concurrently with the security works already committed for Marden Square and Layard Square.


3.  That officers be instructed to programme future resources from the sources identified in paragraphs 79-82 of the report.


4.  That the substantial financial resources required for the refurbishment be noted and it also be noted that the option appraisal identified that no meaningful contribution would be forthcoming from infill development on the estate.


5.  That officers be instructed to initiate disposals of void properties on the estate in accordance with the strategy outlined in paragraph 69 of the report to contribute to the cost of the refurbishment works and that it be noted that all disposal decisions in relation to the strategy to be made by the head of property. Such decisions will include consideration of targeted disposals to individuals and housing providers to contribute positively to the future management of the estate. 


6.  That officers report to cabinet on the progress of the delivery of this option in July 2012.