Issue - meetings

Abbeyfield Estate: option appraisal of Maydew House including implication for Thaxted Court and Damory House

Meeting: 20/03/2012 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Abbeyfield Estate: Options Appraisal for Maydew House, Thaxted Court and Damory House

To consider the findings of the Abbeyfield Estate options appraisal, considering Maydew House, Thaxted Court and Damory House. 

Supporting documents:


Amended officer comments for paragraph 99 of the report were circulated.




1.  That the findings of the Abbeyfield Estate options appraisal, considering Maydew House, Thaxted Court and Damory House be noted.


2.  That approval be given for the adoption of enhanced refurbishment of all 3 blocks as the preferred option with the retention of the freehold of Maydew House and disposal of sufficient void properties in the block to bridge the funding gap between the warm, dry, safe works and enhanced refurbishment works on the estate and that these works are programmed into the housing investment programme for financial year 2013/14. The upper limit on the disposal of void properties in Maydew House will be 71 flats.


3.  That it be noted that the works required at Maydew House cannot be carried out with residents in situ.


4.  That it be agreed that tenants being rehoused from Maydew House as a result of the requirement for works, and who have a one bedroom or two bedroom housing need, be offered the option to return to the block when the works are completed.


5.  That officers be instructed to work out the details bringing about the Maydew House option to return to best effect, and to conduct individual consultation with households on that basis. Officers to report to residents within 3 months of the decision by cabinet, with the findings from the individual consultation and proposed terms for tenants’ return to the block.


6.  That it be noted that the next step to acquire the remaining interests in Maydew House is for the council to instigate compulsory purchase proceedings and that a further report will be submitted to cabinet seeking approval to make a compulsory purchase order. 


7.  That it be noted that the adoption of the preferred option and the additional benefits that would be achieved requires the scheme to be dealt with as a regeneration project.


8.  That officers further report to cabinet on the delivery of this option in July 2012 if significant matters arise that means the preferred option cannot be implemented within the resources that have been made available.