Issue - meetings

Amendment to strategic management arrangements

Meeting: 19/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Amendment to Strategic Management Arrangements

To agree recommendations relating to the strategic management arrangements of the council.

Supporting documents:




1.  That the post of strategic director, regeneration and neighbourhoods, be deleted from the official establishment and the services transferred to deputy chief executive with immediate effect (except as in decision 2).  Any consequential structure changes will be approved under chief officer delegated authority after consultation with the appropriate cabinet member.


2.  That community housing services transfers to the strategic director of housing services including the head of service post (and post-holder), and that this be fully incorporated into the management structure for the housing services department.


3.  That as at 1 October 2012, the new arrangements be put in place for the management of adult social care, the health and wellbeing board and public health.


4.  That the chief executive takes an overview of senior manager structures including minor reallocations of functions between departments or chief officersin furtherance of council aims laid out in the budget report approved in February 2011.


5.  That final structures be approved under chief officer delegated authority after consultation with the cabinet members.