Issue - meetings

Library and Resource Centre for Camberwell

Meeting: 21/06/2011 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Re-provision of Library including a resource centre for Camberwell

To approve the re-provision of premises for the Camberwell library.

Supporting documents:


Decisions of the Cabinet


1.  That the re-provision of premises for the Camberwell library, which will include a new resource centre and be located on the site in front of the Magistrates' Court be approved.


2.  That the allocation of a capital budget for this project as part of the Modernise 2 programme be noted.


Decision of the Leader of the Council


3.  That the approval of a detailed business plan, within both the agreed capital budget allocation (as part of the Modernise 2 programme) and the existing revenue budget as identified in the finance director’s concurrent report be delegated to the cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety.