Issue - meetings

Review of Void Disposal

Meeting: 31/05/2011 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Review of Void Disposal Strategy

To agree issues relating to the void disposal strategy.

Supporting documents:




1.  That the progress of disposals of void housing properties since April 2009 be noted.


2.  That the importance of void disposals to the overall housing investment strategy be noted.


3.  That the categories of properties agreed for inclusion in the Void Disposal Strategy be amended so that they will now consist of:


·  Bedsits, 1 and 2 bed A & B Street flats at 1st and 2nd floors with a view to disposal of the freehold

·  Bedsits, 1 and 2 bed properties located on 3rd floor or above if based within a block

·  Void properties valued in excess of £300,000 irrespective of bedsize

·  Listed residential properties, irrespective of bed size

·  Properties that are difficult to let or uneconomical to repair

·  Leasehold units in blocks with a high percentage of leasehold properties where additional sales can mean that the freehold can potentially be considered for disposal, either by leaseholder enfranchisement or direct sale

·  Pre fabricated homes – due to their high level of investment need.


With the exception of the following:


·  Ground floor properties that may meet medical needs or are suitable for adaptation

·  Properties suitable for rehousing households on regeneration schemes

·  3 bed+ family units withdrawn from the programme based on the outcome of a Review Panel meeting as set out in paragraph 62 of the report.


4.  That the target number of disposals be increased up to a maximum of 140 per annum.


5.  That the duration of this initiative be extended from 3 (2009-12) to 7 years (2009-16) to coincide with the new Five Year Investment Programme.


6.  That the trigger value of void properties targeted for disposal be subject to regular review and decisions on any changes delegated to the Leader of the Council.


7.  That all disposal decisions in respect of implementation of the policy be delegated to the Head of Property, and the process be monitored by an officer panel and the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing.  Such monitoring to have particular regard for geographical location and quantity of the properties referred for disposal.


8.  That the progress to date in delivering Hidden Homes be noted, and the project be continued subject to regular review by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing.


9.  That the feedback from Decent Homes Review Working Party be noted and taken into consideration.