Issue - meetings

Canada Water area action plan

Meeting: 22/03/2011 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Canada Water Area Action Plan - Publication/Submission Version

To recommend to council assembly the consideration of the Canada Water Area Action Plan.

Supporting documents:


Comments of the planning committee held on 21 March 2011 in respect of this item were circulated at the meeting.




1.  That council assembly be recommended to:


  i.  Consider the further changes to the Canada Water Area Action Plan Publication/Submission Version (dwelling sizes and sites of importance for nature conservation) (appendix A of the report), including comments from planning committee, the plan for publicising the further changes (appendix B of the report), sustainability appraisal (appendix C of the report) and equality impact assessment (appendix D of the report).


  ii.  Agree to publish the further changes to the Canada Water Area Action Plan (AAP) Publication/Submission Version (dwelling sizes and sites of importance for nature conservation) before submission to the Secretary of State.


  iii.  Approve the further changes to the Canada Water Area Action Plan (AAP) Publication/Submission Version (dwelling sizes and sites of importance for nature conservation) for publication and submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government provided no substantive changes are necessary following consultation.


  iv.  Delegate the approval of any minor non-substantive amendments resulting from its meeting or consultation on the further changes to the Canada Water Area Action Plan (AAP) publication/submission version (dwelling sizes and sites of importance for nature conservation) to the director for regeneration and neighbourhoods in consultation with the cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy before submission to Secretary of State.


2.  That the update on two further factual changes in circumstances at Canada Water which may necessitate further revisions to the Canada Water Area Action Plan (AAP) as set out below be noted:


  i.  The recent announcement by Daily Mail & General Trust that it is consulting on a proposal to relocate its print works from Harmsworth Quays to a site in Thurrock;


  ii.  The Department for Education (DfE) formally wrote to the council in November 2010 informing us that a new secondary school in Rotherhithe would no longer receive funding support through Building Schools for the Future.  Recently the council received further information from the DFE suggesting the government had still allocated the full £19.6m to the Rotherhithe school project.  The council has written to the DfE seeking urgent confirmation about whether it is being given the funds to move forward with a new secondary school for Rotherhithe.


3.  That it be noted that officers have proposed to the Planning Inspectorate that the council publishes amendments to the Area Action Plan (AAP) which address these issues in November 2011 and that the examination-in-public be delayed to ensure that any amendments can be considered by the Planning Inspector.


NOTE: In accordance with overview and scrutiny procedure rule 22.1(a) (budget and policy framework) these decisions are not subject to call-in.