Issue - meetings

Overview and Scrutiny Committee Call-in: Gateway 2 - Contract Award Approval - Home Care Services In Southwark

Meeting: 15/02/2011 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Overview and Scrutiny Committee Call-in: Gateway 2 - Contract Award Approval - Home Care Services In Southwark

To reconsider the report in respect of the gateway 2 contract award approval, home care services in Southwark as a result of issues identified by the overview and scrutiny committee.

Supporting documents:


The cabinet considered written supplementary information from the council’s strategic director of health and community services in respect of the concerns identified by the overview and scrutiny committee on this contract award.


The council’s monitoring officer confirmed that with regard to the overview and scrutiny procedure rules 24.4 the decision was in accordance with the policy and budget framework and that the decision maker may amend the decision or not before adopting a final decision.




That the decisions of cabinet from 25 January 2011 meeting as set out below be reaffirmed. An additional resolution set out in paragraph 4 in respect of monitoring was also agreed.


1.  That the award of home care service contracts to the following suppliers for a period of 3 years from 6 April 2011 with an estimated cost between £10,813,500 and £30,680,688 be approved. (Contract costs are based on calculations explained in paragraphs 8 - 12 of the report).



Supplier Name


Universal Contract 1

London Care

Universal Contract 2

Enara Community Care

Specialist Contract 5 – Continuing Drinkers and Acquired Brain Injury

Enara Community Care



2.  That there be no contract award for the third universal contract, as based on current trends, the council does not consider there will be sufficient demand for council-arranged care to meet the guaranteed minimum hours for three contracts.


3.  That there be no contract award for the older adult support in Southwark (OASIS) service and the intermediate care and neurological-rehabilitation (neuro-rehab) service as the bids for these services are not affordable. (Alternative service options were discussed in the report.)


4.  That regular contract monitoring reports be provided to the cabinet member for health and adult social care and six monthly reports to the cabinet.


Decision  of the Leader of the Council


5.  That delegated authority be given to the cabinet member for health and adult social care to approve up to 2 single year (1 + 1) extension options that can be operated at the end of the initial term of the contract subject to satisfaction with each supplier’s performance and demand for services.


NOTE: This item is not subject to any further call-in and the decisions are now implementable