Issue - meetings

Approval of the housing revenue account budget 2011/12

Meeting: 24/01/2012 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Housing Revenue Account - Final Rent Setting and Budget Report 2012/13

To approve an average rent increase of 7.96% in accordance with the Government’s required formula rent guidance to be applied to all housing revenue account dwellings.

Supporting documents:


Additional material was circulated setting out the recommendations of tenants council  which met on 23 January 2012, a summary of area housing forum decisions, individual area housing forum feedback, recommendations of home owners council of 10 January 2012  and recommendations of the tenants management organisation forum of 18 January 2012.




1.  That an average rent increase of 7.96% in accordance with the government’s required formula rent guidance to be applied to all housing revenue account (HRA) dwellings as set out in paragraph 12 of the report be approved.  This is equivalent to an increase of £6.78 per week on average for tenanted properties, with effect from 2 April 2012.  Average budgeted dwelling rent for 2012/13 will be £91.94 per week.  This percentage increase is also to be applied to estate void and hostel properties from 2 April 2012.


2.  That officers be instructed to carry out further evaluation regarding implementing a policy of setting rents for new-build and new-let tenancies at formula rent levels (paragraph 13 of the report).


3.  That tenant service charges be set at the same level as 2011/12 as set out in paragraph 15 of the report with effect from 2 April 2012.


4.  That the standard charge for non-residential property be set at the same level as 2011/12, but with revisions to the concessionary rates applicable and the introduction of a new rate for private sector garage renters as set out in paragraphs 16 to 27 of the report with effect from 2 April 2012, with the exception that the concession to the standard rent is kept for the over 70 year old group and that a review is carried out of the allocation procedure for both the disabled and over 70 year old groups.


5.  That a further standstill in heating and hot water charges for 2012/13 such that each charge remains at the rate determined for 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 (as set out in paragraph 28 of the report) be approved.