Issue - meetings

Comprehensive Spending Review Update

Meeting: 02/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Comprehensive Spending Review Update

Supporting documents:


This item had not been circulated 5 clear working days in advance of the meeting.  The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent due to the significant impact of the Spending Review 2010 on the council’s budget and resource planning process.




1.  That the headline content of the Spending Review (SR) 2010 for local government be noted.


2.  That the ongoing work to assess the implications of the SR specifically for Southwark be noted.


3.  That the budget principles agreed by cabinet in September continue to guide and underpin the work of officers in arriving at a balanced budget in February 2011.


4.  That officers continue to work on budget options, particularly in line with the earlier instruction from cabinet in July following the national emergency budget.


5.  That strategic directors incorporate into budget options any specific implications from the SR as such details emerge from government.


6.  That the finance director present a further report later in the autumn following the publication of the provisional local government settlement by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).


7.  That officers provide further information to voluntary sector providers and other stakeholder groups on the outcome of the SR, especially in respect of grants.


8.  That subject to appropriate analysis, officers seek further advice as to whether there is any legal basis upon which to challenge the government on the consequences of any aspect of the spending review that may have a disproportionate detrimental impact on Southwark’s residents.


9.  That cabinet write to all local MPs inviting them to a briefing and urging them to press ministers for clarity in the financial settlement which Southwark is to receive at the earliest opportunity, and to set out the impact on the Council’s funding and residents of all changes including those to housing finance.


10.  That cabinet work with other London councils to lobby the government for reform of the four block model to accurately reflect the costs facing London boroughs including the maintenance of the floor.