Issue - meetings

Transforming Adult Social Care - Putting People First in Southwark

Meeting: 21/09/2010 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Transforming Adult Social Care - Putting People First in Southwark

To agree to the implementation of ‘personalisation’ to deliver the vision for putting people first in Southwark.

Supporting documents:


Additional comments of the strategic director of communities, law and governance were circulated at the meeting.




That further to the report titled ‘personalised services in adult social care’ that was presented to executive on 28 April 2009 cabinet:


a.  agrees to the implementation of ‘personalisation’ to deliver the vision for putting people first in Southwark (see paragraphs 6-13 and appendix 1 of the report);


b.  agrees to the introduction of the new ‘customer journey’ and its systems, processes and procedures as the means to transform adult social care (see paragraphs 14-25 and appendices 2, 3 & 4 of the report);


c.  acknowledges the impact that personalisation will have upon existing providers as people exercise more choice and control and endorses the approach being taken to shape the social care provider market (see paragraphs 26-31 of the report); and


d.  endorses the other actions that are being taken to underpin and deliver personalisation (see paragraphs 32-34 of the report).