Issue - meetings

Endorsement of the interim outline business case for the Aylesbury Regeneration Programme

Meeting: 20/07/2010 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Aylesbury Private Finance Initiative Housing Project - Submission of the Interim Outline Business Case (IOBC)

To confirm the redevelopment strategy for the delivery of new homes and associated infrastructure on sites set out in the report and to approve the submission of the Interim Outline Business Case (IOBC) for a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) based Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Project. (colour copies of appendices will be made available to cabinet members)

Supporting documents:




1.  That  the redevelopment strategy for the delivery of new homes and associated infrastructure on sites 1b, 1c, 8 and 9 that requires that sites 8 and 9 (formerly part of phase 3) are brought forward be confirmed.


2.  That the submission of the interim outline business case (IOBC) for a housing revenue account (HRA) based private finance initiative (PFI) project in partial support of the delivery of social rented homes and associated infrastructure on Aylesbury sites 1b, 1c, 8 and 9 be agreed.


3.  That the leader of the council delegate approval to the cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy to approve the final version of the interim outline business case (IOBC) to be submitted to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).


4.  That the preparation of an outline business case (OBC) proceed subject to an acceptable outcome from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA’s) review of the interim outline business case (IOBC).


5.  That the procurement approach of delivering intermediate and private for sale homes and associated infrastructure also located within sites 1b, 1c, 8 and 9 in line with the ability of the market to absorb these facilities be agreed in principle.


6.  That in parallel with the above actions, alternative delivery vehicles for the sites comprising phase 2 and the remainder of phase 3 be explored further.


7.  That officers report back to cabinet for a decision on the rehousing and purchasing the property interests of relevant leaseholders and on progress on the interim outline business case (IOBC) prior to its submission.