Decision details

Harper Road Streets for People Walking and Cycling Improvements

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Clean Air and Streets

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Proposed improvements on Harper Road


That the Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Clean Air & Streets


1.  Considered the consultation report (Appendix A) summarising the views on the proposed improvements on Harper Road to increase comfort levels for people walking, cycling and wheeling as part of Southwark Spine, a strategic walking and cycling route from Dulwich to Borough.


2.  Approves proposals to improve the traffic calming measures, increase the width of footways and introduce new crossings subject to design changes proposed at the detailed design stage based on comments received at the consultation stage.


3.  Instructs officers to proceed to statutory consultation and return to the Cabinet Member with a report should objections be received at this stage.


4.  Notes that the proposals are in line with the council’s wider Streets for People approach and aims to improve the on street experience for those walking, cycling and wheeling by widening footways, increasing greenery, slowing motor vehicles and making it easier to cross the road.


Publication date: 13/11/2023

Date of decision: 13/11/2023

Effective from: 21/11/2023

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