Decision details

Update on Fairer Future Procurement Framework

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To review and update the Fairer Future Procurement Framework and make recommendations if appropriate




1.  That the refreshed Fairer Future Procurement Framework (FFPF), at Appendix 1 of the report be approved.


2.  That the update on actions taken to enhance the council’s commitment to social value in procurement be noted.


3.  That the approval of minor and consequential amendments to the FFPF (e.g. new targets following the finalisation of the council’s Climate Change Strategy) be delegated to the director of law and governance, in consultation with the cabinet member for finance and resources.

Report author: Duncan Whitfield

Publication date: 20/01/2021

Date of decision: 19/01/2021

Decided at meeting: 19/01/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 28/01/2021

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