Decision details

Expanding the Telecare offer in Southwark

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care and Equalities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To agree additional funding required to expand the service including amendments to current charging for Telecare


1.  That the offer of free telecare/assistive technology to adult social care clients be agreed as follows:


·  adults with critical and substantial needs under FACS (Fair access to care services)

·  adults with dementia, regardless of FACS eligibility

·  adults over 85, regardless of FACS eligibility

·  adults following reablement identified as having moderate needs.


2.  That the investment required to expand the Southwark Monitoring and Response Team to enable delivery of the telecare/assistive technology offer be agreed.


Publication date: 31/01/2014

Date of decision: 31/01/2014

Effective from: 08/02/2014

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