Decision details

Livesey Museum Update and Options

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To review and agree a future user for the former Livesey Museum building




1.  That officers be instructed to progress negotiations with the two leading bids for the Livesey building within the Objects of the Trust, as identified by the call for expressions of interest and subsequent assessment in October 2011, to ensure that bids meet with the requirements set out below:


·  Meet the original objectives of the trust, i.e. a free public library, or any other objectives of an educational or cultural nature, in keeping with the proposed amended charitable objectives


·  Are financially viable with secure and robust revenue arrangements as well as funding for any associated capital works that schemes may require


·  Are proven robust in the second round of financial assessment and organisation checks in March 2012.


2.  That subject to a satisfactory outcome of detailed checks in January 2012, officers report back to cabinet on the outcomes of the negotiations with the preferred user and Charity Commission in April 2012.

Report author: Gill Davies

Publication date: 09/02/2012

Date of decision: 07/02/2012

Decided at meeting: 07/02/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 16/02/2012

Accompanying Documents: